Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, will stay in Windsor to take care of her grandchild: report, World News


Any future mother needs a director's hand and for Meghan Markle, no one would be better than her own mother, Doria Ragland.

After the announcement of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's move to the Windsor Estate, the Daily Mail announced yesterday, Nov. 25, that Ragland, 62, would live with them in their new home.

The report indicated that Ragland would stay with them from time to time as she wanted to take care of her future grandchild. It has also been reported that the couple wants her to have her own wing.

Meghan is expected to give birth to her first child with Prince Harry in the spring of 2019, around April or May.

Harry and Meghan are currently staying at Nottingham Cottage in Kensington Palace, which has two bedrooms. Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, a gift from Queen Elizabeth II, will be a great asset to a family's growth with its 10 bedrooms.

It also has sentimental value for the couple as it is where they had their wedding reception.

Unlike other members of Meghan's family, Ragland, 62, is one of the good graces of the royal family. She was the only relative to attend the wedding of Meghan and Harry last May. Last September, she was invited to an official engagement, namely the launch of her daughter's charity cookbook – an unusual move since only members of the royal family participate in such events.

Ragland would also be invited to spend Christmas with the royal family this year, the 4 November Daily Mail reported. This is a gesture that would not have been extended to Kate Middleton's family.

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