Metal Movie Solid Director shares the first details of the scenario – Comic-Con 2018



The movie Metal Gear Solid will not follow any particular game and will stand out from a traditional three-act structure.

While chatting with IGN during our live show Comic-Con, Metal Gear Solid's director, Jordan Vogt-Roberts, shared details about the intrigue of the now-complete script.

"We do not really fit anything like" this game ", but we will not throw it into a madness of the Black Tower that does not take into account the reason why the fans like that, "said Vogt-Roberts, telling him literally" Do what I do, betray your audience. "

You can watch the full interview below:

While Vogt -Roberts says it's "a very Kojima-San thing" explained his own goals of adaptation, saying, "My goal is really to try to translate what fans want and expect , and really take the time nested, unbelievable, that stretches over dozens of years and make it make sense movie. "

" All I can say is that I am so proud and e xcited.I think the way we adapted it is the most suitable way to Kojima-San, and the script is one of the best The coolest hoses I've ever read. In particular, the way we deal with the times and scope of it is one of the things I look at in the scenario and I say "I've never seen it before".

Vogt-Roberts went on to say that the approach they took breaks with a traditional three-act cinematic structure, which he thinks people are now bored. He said that it "also exploits the Metal Gear tradition in a way that people have not seen."

As for the cast, Roberts said "I have a billion different ideas in my head" but they script, "so they have not started the casting process yet. Also pointed out that even though the last piece of concept art borrows the resemblance of Christian Bale for Snake, this should in no way be taken as an indication of casting intent.It was used as a basis by the artist.

The San Diego Comic-Con runs from July 19 to 22 and IGN will be on hand to provide you with live coverage of the event. Check out our guide on how to watch Comic-Con Live 2018 on IGN, and be sure to bookmark the SDDC hub page of IGN, where you'll be able to follow all the big revelations of the trailer, panelists' reactions and more. [19659012TomMarksestl'editorofPCandthemanufacturerofart!IGNYou'llfinditon Twitter .

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