Mickey Mouse kisses a Japanese fan for so long that she falls back 【Video


Mickey Mouse was filmed giving an unconditional fan of Disney such an intense smooch that she rocked back!

Disneyland and Disney Sea are among the healthiest places on the planet, with rides and costumed characters that will bring joy to all Disney fans worthy of what they are worth.

A fan of Disney @ Disneyarisu2 has the character of the Disney repertoire at heart: the most emblematic character of the line-up, Mickey Mouse himself. Her Twitter account is covered with Mickey's plans, and many of them are snapshots of the many times she went to meet him in person.

A recent trip to visit his fictional obsession ended with a surprise that literally shook him – literally.

"My feet fell under me. I remained totally speechless.
First, he knelt and held my hands before kissing them, then gave me a kiss for very, very, very long time. I lost the ability to challenge gravity. "

In the video, an actor records the meeting and calls for nice comments (as the actors in the theme park usually do). "Oh, it's like your ears!" She shouts. @ Disneyarisu2 is dressed from head to toe in Minnie, with a polka dot dress and a headband with mouse ears. "He really likes Minnie!" She explains while Mickey kneels and kisses the hands of the guest.

But then, Mickey embarks on the Hollywood kiss (which is more like him by pressing his nose against the girl's face). "Oh my God," squeaks the cast member, "It takes ages! Sensational!"

Once Mickey gets away, everything happens in a burst. The girl faints like a caricature, then crashes on the floor.

"Oh no, ma'am, okay, she's fallen flat on the backside … Oh yes!" The cast member calls, while Mickey rushes to her in panic. "Wait, I guess I should not say it."

After the cast member and Mickey himself make sure that @ Disneyarisu2 is fine, they overlap to end the video. The cast member comments at the end of the video: "This is the first time I see someone really falling here!"

In the comments on the thread, there is another delicacy to find: the same incident but from another angle.

"Here you are! From another angle (LOL)"

@ Disneyarisu2 responds, "Oh my God, the intense sobs!" To which the poster says "Yeah, it was me. Sorry!"

In general, the commentators seemed delighted with the small incident, especially since @ Disneyarisu2 did no harm and Mickey seemed to apologize appropriately. Many were particularly pleased to hear that you could pass your phone to the cast members to get them to film your meeting, which sounds like a little story about the park worthy of our own Daiichiro Tashiro.

Nevertheless, we wish the best to Disneyarisu2 after her exciting meeting with celebrities, although she should probably keep an eye on Minnie if she is jealous.

Source: Twitter / @ Disneyarisu2 via My Game News Flash
The selected image: Twitter / @ Disneyarisu2

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