Mishka said what he dreamed of his "past"


Кошевой рассказал, какое "прошлое" ему снится

He spoke about it to Katya Osadchaya as part of the "big life".The famous Ukrainian comedian and actor Eugene Mishka talked about the "argument" with a member of the female "neighborhood", and also put your finger on your phone. He spoke about it to Katya Osadchaya as part of the "big life," writes Chronicle.info, referring to NewFormat.

"I lost 8 kg in four weeks. At first, the weight was 108.5. Now 100.4 100.5 or. But she does not know it yet. And I hope she will not see this problem, "he said.

Moreover, according to Mishka, he knows that his "listening".

"I know they listen. Everything is very audible. So I talk to them. Tell them "give my wife an intimate speech. Well, you know where I live, "he said.

Mishka also said to what "past" he dreamed.

"In 89, I left the Kharkiv region. I remember the year. I often dream often. House and a kindergarten where I went, "he said

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