OnePlus searches users for closed beta testing of new OnePlus 6T features


Most people think that OnePlus runs two different branches of their software updates. All devices coming out of the box use the stable version of HydrogenOS or OxygenOS. They also have another branch that we often talk about here on XDA because it gives us an idea of ​​what will happen in future stable updates of OTA. This is called the open beta program, but there is also a third branch. This is called "closed beta" and only a limited number of people are invited to test it. Earlier this week, the company announced that it was looking for people to test these OnePlus 6T closed beta updates.

Normally, only insiders and those close to OnePlus staff are allowed to test closed beta versions of OnePlus devices. Trust is a difficult thing and we have already seen leaks when it came to a closed beta version of HydrogenOS for OnePlus 5T. Having more people accessing these early versions can hurt the reputation of the update (or the device itself), as we've seen with the Essential Phone camera, as its application was in its beginnings at the very beginning.

OnePlus 6T XDA Forum

However, OnePlus is looking for 100 people to test the closed beta branch of OxygenOS for OnePlus 6T. We are told that this group should be able to keep the secret, because it will test the software updates with features "weeks, even months before their publication to the public". As a result of this requirement, selected members will be required to sign official NDA before they can participate in this closed beta program. It should also be noted that being part of this program means that you will often need flash versions, some flashes requiring a clean installation. So, if your OnePlus 6T is used as a daily driver and you can not manage the effort required for the program, it is probably not for you.

Beyond that, the rules of this closed beta program are as follows:

  • Use a OnePlus 6T
  • Be an active member of the OnePlus community
  • Be ready to communicate and share your feedback constantly to the OnePlus team on Slack

Interested parties can fill out the application form here and keep their fingers crossed to make you one of the 100 lucky members selected.

Source: OnePlus

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