Pat McGrath Top Labs Kylie Jenner Becomes Billionaire Company


Pat McGrath's cosmetics company, Pat McGrath Labs, has reached an estimated $ 1 billion, surpassing Kylie Jenner's Kylie Cosmetics.

WWD reported the value of McGrath's business. Forbes recently estimated that Jenner's company was worth about $ 800 million.

McGrath launched his brand in 2016 after being a mainstay in the world of fashion as Force creator behind iconic makeup looks on the slopes. Almost immediately after the launch of Pat McGrath Labs, it became a hit in Sephora stores

Since this week, the brand has accepted a $ 60 million investment from Eurazeo Brands, a New York-based firm. [19659002] On the news that his brand is now valued at over $ 1 billion, fans on social media were on the moon:

McGrath said in a statement that he had been his "dream to create an iconic beauty brand that exceeds the usual limits, which lives outside the parameters of what is expected. "

" I am delighted to work with the unique and expert team of Eurazeo Brands, "she said of her new partner. 19659020]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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