Police respond to Stomp about a large group of motorcyclists meeting in Punggol


Twelve motorcycles were seized and 56 convocations were issued after a large group of motorcyclists met at the intersection of Punggol Road and Punggol Central early on Sunday morning (March 24).

Stomper Farhan had alerted Stomp from the congregation and shared videos that were circulating online from the runners.

In a video posted on Instagram Stories by the user @ceceldieno, we see dozens of runners gather at a Shell gas station, run their engines and sound the horn.

(The story continues after the video)

In another series of videos, police are stopped at a crossroad by cyclists. They are then seen escorted by traffic police officers along a road.

(Story keep on going after the video)

In response to a Stomp media request, police said they were alerted by the large group of bikers gathering around 12:30.

"Twelve motorcycles were seized for allegedly illegal modifications and 56 assignments were launched for traffic and vehicle violations," said a spokesman.

Stomp understands that the rally was organized by a group of local motorcycle enthusiasts called "kapcaisinga".

The group criticized a surfer who was furious that, because of their "stupidity", other "innocent" runners had been arrested and controlled by the police.

In the message, netizens wrote: "You think it's cool to make noise at the Shell station and then make life difficult for others.

"It's the first time I see a ride stopped because the organizers have left their brains at home."

He ends the message with a "F ** k you!"

The organizers responded to this message and apologized to those who were not involved. He added that the surfer could "speak nicely" and asked him to try to organize a mass outing in the future.

In the early hours of Wednesday morning (March 27), @kapcaisinga released a more detailed apology note on Instagram Stories.

Greetings to all our friends. "We, from KapchaiSinga, would like to humbly apologize to all parties, directly or indirectly, affected by the recent event, but we hope that everyone will be able to put an end to all the discussions on this incident. there, at KapchaiSinga, we take a step back to reflect on this situation. "

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