Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrive in New Zealand after a memorable Australian tour



October 28, 2018 15:54:59

British Prince Harry and his wife Meghan arrived in New Zealand Sunday for the final leg of their Pacific tour, their first international royal tour since their wedding in May.

The royal couple, who have already visited Australia, Fiji and Tonga, was received in Wellington, the capital of the country, by Premier Jacinda Ardern.

Ms. Ardern, popular throughout the world, marked her first year as head of the country earlier this week, after forming her government through a coalition agreement that followed an inconclusive election.

In June, Ardern became the second world leader, after the Pakistani Benazir Bhutto, in 1990, to have given birth.

Price Harry and Meghan are expecting their first child next year.

The royal couple left Australia on Sunday night after the end of the Invictus Games in Sydney and was accompanied by several New Zealand athletes from the Invictus Games.

The Duchess of Sussex wore a brown plaid coat and a simple black dress, while Prince Harry was dressed in a dark gray suit. Both had poppy pins as a souvenir on their chests.

On Sunday night, the couple will attend a reception celebrating the 125th anniversary of women's suffrage. New Zealand became the first country in the world where women could vote in the 1893 parliamentary elections.

The trip to New Zealand comes after the royal couple's travels to Australia, Fiji and Tonga, including the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Invictus Games, a visit to Fraser Island, Queensland, and a stroll through the island. One of Melbourne's famous trams.

Along the way, the royal protocol took second place, because the beard was caressed, hugs were given and received and the hearts warmed the heart during many memorable moments.

A baked royal bun

If the photos of Eugenie's recent wedding do not make rumors about an impending announcement about a baby, the photos of the Duchess of Sussex landing in Sydney, carrying two large files in front of her belly, make the machine gossip.

A few hours later, it was official. The royal couple was waiting.

Thousands of people rushed to Twitter to congratulate the couple a few minutes after the announcement.

Baby Sussex's first gift included miniature Ugg boots and a stuffed kangaroo with Joey.

Daphne steals another kiss

In her third meeting with Prince Harry, Daphne Dunne, 98-year-old war widow, stole another kiss from the Duke of Sussex who affectionately commented on her pink-dyed hair.

But it was the Duchess of Sussex who seemed dazzled during her long conversation with Daphne, repeatedly exclaiming "how sweet she is" before saying that she hoped to present her to their "little one" next time that they would be in town.

Thousands of people joined Daphne at the Opera, hoping to catch sight of the couple, although most of them saw the occasion through their camera phone. .

Feel the atmosphere in Bondi

Nothing like taking off your shoes and strolling on the sand of the iconic Bondi Beach to truly immerse yourself in the spirit of an Australian tour.

Prince Harry and Meghan have joined OneWave's "Anti-Vibration Circle" to talk about mental health issues.

They listened to participants talking about their mental health issues before Prince Harry explained his passion for eliminating prejudices about anxiety and depression.

And when the circle separated, they warmly accepted the farewell hugs of each of the group members.

Dubbo's sweetheart amazes the world

Luke Vincent, age 5, had little regard for royal protocol when he repeatedly hugged Prince Harry and Meghan during their visit to Dubbo.

The student of the Buninyong Public School, suffering from Down syndrome, has charmed the socks of the royal couple, even going so far as to give a gentle pull to Prince Harry's red beard during an interaction which melted hearts around the world.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were in Dubbo to see for themselves the effects of the drought and to unveil a new aircraft from the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

The prince also showed his sense of humor. He looked comical as Ruth Sandow gave a speech to mark the event.

Budgie's smugglers raise their eyebrows

Prince Harry crossed the Royal Line when he politely refused to sign a pair of special Invictus Games parakeet smugglers for members of the Australian team.

Damian Irish, who concocted the plan to capture the Prince's autograph, said he was "a formidable man" despite the rejection of his claim.

"He told us that he would like to sign them, but he was not allowed to do that," Irish said.

A hug for comfort

The main reason for the couple's visit was to open the Invictus Games, an event created by the former army captain to help soldiers and wounded, wounded or sick women in their physical and mental recovery.

Prince Harry climbed the 1332 steps of the Harbor Bridge Bridge with Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Ambassadors of the Invictus Games, while the flag of the event was hoisted over Sydney.

But the most touching moment came in the descent, when he kissed Invictus Games ambassador, Gwen Cherne, whose husband had committed suicide after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

She then told the media how much she appreciated the Prince's interest in his story and his sincere support.

ABC / Reuters


human interest,

royal and imperial matters,


Sydney 2000,




First posted

October 28, 2018 15:12:38

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