Publication to continue, thanks to public support


Last Tuesday, The Online Citizen (TOC) ceased to operate after electronic devices had belonged to it and were seized by the Singapore police under a court order to investigate a crime. criminal defamation case.

The alleged offense relates to a letter written by a member of the public, who himself called Willy Sum, who shared his opinion on the government and the current situation in Singapore.

While we leave the investigation to the police on the allegations, TOC will continue its publication as of today, as new materials have been purchased with the help of members of the public and others. caring readers.

In addition to the purchase of new equipment, a number of generous people have registered as supporters on Patreon or subscribers to the site. In the light of this support, we can only continue our work to serve them.

We would like to express our thanks to all those who have contributed so far, whether in money or in contribution of article and information.

We will soon organize a fundraising campaign to prepare and expand our team to face next year's elections. Since I risk being arrested and thrown into jail, it is urgent to ensure that the publication can be published even behind me, especially during the election period.

With your support, my team and I commit to continue our work until the day we have exhausted all available resources or forced to stop our operations.

As we say, "Democracy is best served by an informed and engaged population that has access to a wide range of sources of information and opinion and an open and dynamic environment in which to share and debate ideas. and opinions ".

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