The popular Punjabi singer turned actor Diljit Dosanjh will soon have a wax statue at the prestigious Madame Tussauds in Delhi. Diljit debuted in Udta Punjab in 2016 and is very pleased to receive a positive response from his fans for his new film Soorma which was released worldwide on Friday 13th July. The singer has been enthusiastically active on social media and has kept his fans up to date on the latest developments in his life
Directed by Shaad Ali and produced by Sony Pictures, Soorma Diljit and Taapsee Pannu stars in the main roles. The film presents the story of Sandeep Singh, who was paralyzed and used a wheelchair for two years after an accidental shot in 2006.
The news of the wax statue of Diljit comes from the handle Twitter of Madame Tussauds. da Puttar "will make a larger-than-life entrance to #TussuadsDelhi soon."
Check out the Tweet here:
This "Punjab da Puttar" will make a larger-than-life entry to #TussuadsDelhi soon.
Can you guess who will be measured by our artists this Sunday? pic.twitter.com/hWz559OHrq– Madame Tussauds (@tussaudsdelhi) July 13, 2018
The film Soorma presents the story of Sandeep Singh, who was paralyzed and used a wheelchair for two years after an accidental shot injured her in 2006.
Madame Tussauds London already has figures of Indian personalities like Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Katrina Kaif and others. Last year he opened a branch at Connaught Place in central Delhi. The Delhi Museum has portraits of famous personalities of Bollywood, Hollywood, musicians and even politicians
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