Queenstown Heritage Walk celebrates 10 years


In the past 10 years, dozens of residents traveled to Queenstown on Sunday morning to walk around the neighborhood, and volunteer guides indicated where the second center of conduct, the first branch, and the first polyclinic of Singapore [19659002HerlyHealthOrganizationMacommunityThesemarcheshavecelebratedthe10thiversaryofthedifferencesIthasbeenadoptedanotherworldofthecampaignandmarketingintraditions

My community president, Kwek Li Yong, said: "Every community has a story to tell. Celebrate the little things that make the neighborhood special and reconnect people to the social networks of the community.

The guide who ran the first sketch walk yesterday was Mr. Tan Chwee Seng, 65, a professional artist.

: "It combines art, heritage and culture … I want people to find artistic value in what they see, it's not something that only artists can do, because art is everywhere and no matter who can do art ". Steps were started in 2008 to celebrate Queenstown's rich history as Singapore's first satellite city. The walks cover Queenstown, Bukit Merah and Tiong Bahru.

The first tour had four participants. Last year, My Community organized 55 public visits, which attracted more than 2,500 participants.

My Community has about 150 volunteers who lead the participants.

One of the volunteers is Ms. Morni Mohamed, a 53- "I wanted to share what I know, but also to learn from others," she said.

Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Transportation, Culture, Community and Youth, Mr. Baey Yam Keng, said yesterday at the event: "This is one of the few heritage marches organized by the residents, and that's something we want to encourage. "

"I am happy to see this group grow and mature"

Mr. Jim Teng, 44, who works in the field of finance, was on the walk yesterday with his wife and 10-year-old daughter.

"I grew up in Queenstown but moved out, before coming back in 2005. I am very happy to hear the stories related to each place.I'm learning about my hometown."

Those who want to join the tours can register at www.myqueenstown.eventbrite.sg

Sue-Ann Tan

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