SDCC 2018: Whole new worlds


  DC Universe

R.I.P. "DC Extended Universe". Warner Brothers has never officially referred to their DC movies by that name, but people needed something to call them and the "DCEU" was as good as anything. But at San Diego Comic-Con, WB officially welcomed fans to the Worlds of DC. (This is not the most jazzed name …) This banner will be launched when & # 39; Aquaman & # 39; splashes the theaters in December and will mark all the extra movies, whether or not it includes continuity films like the 'Joker' & # 39; from Todd Phillips. Previously, it was said that WB was going to unveil a shop banner for this kind of images, probably DC Dark or DC Black.

In any case, this seems to mean a fresh start for DC movies, which have been … well, lame ducks, with the exception of "Wonder Woman". The images that were featured in the first part of the panel also indicated that the new elements did not look anything like "Batman V Superman" and so on.

This sign greeted participants as they entered Hall H:

WB / DC has not announced any future movies. After all, they have three major photos coming out in the next two years that have been largely kept secret. Gal Gadot, Chris Pine and Patty Jenkins came up with images of "1984 Wonder Woman," which began shooting in early June. Then Zachary Levi created the trailer for "Shazam!" Who apparently impressed the crowd. None of the trailers and images shown resembled sinister and rough CD movies, let alone this one. & # 39; & # 39 Shazam!; Looks light, light, fun, funny and just a little awkward and juvenile. Closing things, Jason Momoa introduced the first trailer of "Aquaman". This leans more towards the previous DC films, in that it is more serious, but there is always the impression that things are moving forward and not looking back.

An interesting thing to note is that the label is The Worlds, plural. Maybe do not force their films to stick together, like those of Marvel. It did not work for them. Instead, perhaps let the filmmakers devote their passion and vision to projects like Jenkins did with "Wonder Woman". We will have to wait and see how things are going when Aquaman & # 39; and & # 39; Shazam! & # 39; Arrive.

& # 39; Aquaman & # 39; Swimming in theaters on December 21, 2018. "Shazam!" 2019, while 1984 Wonder Woman & # 39; runs on November 1, 2019.

Source: Movie Web

Jason Motes

Jason's first memory is of watching Batman, followed shortly after by a memory of playing Batman & Robin with a friend, which meant running out just in their underwear and towels like capes. When the adults told them that they could not run outside in underwear, the two boys quickly took off theirs and ran just in capes. Jason's father kindly agreed to read comics as bedtime stories instead of "Snow White". (Super friends being his favorite.) Jason has seen all the original Star Wars movies (and Indiana Jones and Superman and Star Trek …) in theaters. Yes, he is old. And grew up in the most GEEKTASTIC decade ever, the 80s, devouring a steady diet of GI Joe, Transformers, Masters of the Universe, Princess of Power and (best of all) Jem! Jason has studied literature, journalism, film history and has a degree in Creative Writing (and a minor in Psychology) from the University of South Alabama. He worked as a technical writer and proofreader. These days, most of her creative energy goes into her blog and writing for this site! He lives with the cutest puppies ever.

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