Seth Meyers Mocks Trump's Knowledge of Independence Day (Video)


Seth Meyers mocked President Trump's knowledge of American history on Tuesday night in an animated video that recreated the American revolution from the point of view of the president. ] Told by Meyers of a Trump-esque voice, the two-minute clip traced how America gained its independence from Britain in the 4th of July honor, but with a few changes important. Patrick Henry tweeted, "Give me freedom, or give me death." That was a long time ago. Long before they gave you 280 characters. If he had had more characters, he would probably have added something like "Give me a hamburger," says Meyers as president.

In another passage, Meyers said, "I do not know much about King George, but I like the way" King "sounds. I will see if they can change my title. King Donald has a very beautiful ring. "

Since Trump became president, Meyers has been" We're talking about him, obviously, the Most shows, "Meyers said of how his NBC series," Late Night With Seth Meyers, "covers Trump." We're probably talking about him more than everyone else. But at least, for our defense, he is the leader of the free world. So, it's not like we have Kim Kardashian's seven jokes every night. "

Read the original story Seth Meyers Mocks Trump's knowledge of the Independence Day (video) at TheWrap

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