SpaceX: Here's the timeline to go to Mars and create a colony


ELon Musk wants to send humans to Mars, and this could happen as early as 2024. The CEO of SpaceX has presented a plan to bring people to the red planet, with bold visions of refueling rockets to "planet" and to explore the most remote areas of the solar system.

Many settlement projects on Mars expect the community to be a matter of decades. The UAE is targeting a city of 600,000 inhabitants by 2117. Astrobiologist Lewis Dartnell said reverse Last month, "While the first human mission to land on Mars will likely take place in the next two decades, it will probably be more than 50 to 100 years before a considerable number of people have settled on Mars to live in autonomous cities. "

SpaceX is aiming for a much faster schedule. Here is what it looks like:

Mars plan of SpaceX: 2019

The company is expected to organize the first "jump tests" of its spacecraft bound for Mars this year, to determine if the rocket can cross a few hundred kilometers. SpaceX has developed a test facility in Boca Chica, Texas, to export more than 300,000 cubic meters of soil from local sources. In July 2018, the company received a liquid oxygen tank with a capacity of 95,000 gallons, about the same capacity as 20 tanker trucks. He also built a 600-kilowatt solar generator and two ground station antennas that could also be useful for Crew Dragon missions. In October 2018, it was necessary to ship the last tank system to the major ground to take charge of the first flights.

CEO Elon Musk has previously described these tests as "thieves, flips, very large accelerations and hot tests to test the heat shield, because we want to have a highly reusable heat shield, capable of absorbing the heat velocities. interplanetary entry ". Assuming everything is going well, we are at the next stage.

SpaceX Mars Plan: 2020

As the United States holds its next presidential election, SpaceX will work on the next stage of Starship testing. This year's tests focus on the recall, as well as high-speed and high-altitude flights. The team must perform a number of test flights before placing anybody on board.

SpaceX Mars Plan: 2022

This could be the first year that SpaceX reaches Mars. At the International Astronautical Congress held in Adelaide (Australia) in September 2017, Musk suggested this year as the point where at least two unmanned ships could travel to Mars.

The spaceship.

"I'm pretty confident we can finish the ship and get it ready for launch in about five years," he said. "Five years, it seems long."

Ships would install food, mining and survival infrastructure for future flights. They would also confirm the water resources and identify the hazards. Each ship would carry about 100 tons of supplies.

Mars Plan of SpaceX: 2023

It is the year when SpaceX is expected to send Japanese billionaire Yukazu Maezawa, accompanied by six to eight artists, to take a moon tour with the help of the spaceship. Although its mission is not specifically focused on Mars, its success would bode well for a future manned mission.

spacex lunar mission track
The path that Starship will take during the lunar mission.

Mars plan of SpaceX: 2024

It is time for a new election to the presidency of the United States. If everything goes as planned, it may be time to send the first humans to Mars.

The plan is to send two cargo ships, alongside two crew ships, which will take the first passengers to Mars. They will be responsible for setting up a propellant production plant, combining Martian water, ice and carbon dioxide to create methane and liquid oxygen to power the ships and return home. Humans would be responsible for collecting a ton of ice a day to feed the plant.

The ship on Mars.

In short, the visit will not be quiet. In March of this year, Musk told the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas, that "Mars and the moon are often seen as a loophole for the rich, but that's not at all what they will have.

Mars Plan of SpaceX: 2025

This is the first moment Musk thinks that The colony of Mars could take shape. The CEO predicted a delay of "7 to 10 years" before the first bases materialize.

This will extend the work left by the first humans. Paul Wooster, SpaceX's chief development engineer for Mars, explained that "the idea would be to expand, to start not with an outpost, but to become a larger base, not like in Antarctica, but as a village, city, becoming a city and then several cities on Mars. The big cities would provide habitats, greenhouses, vital support and new experiences to answer some of the big questions about life on Mars.

A city of Mars.
A potential future city of Mars.

The SpaceX Mars Plan: Beyond

At the end of the next decade, SpaceX hopes to have some kind of regulation on Mars. Musk said that there was a He will have a 70% chance to visit Mars during his lifetime, perhaps by visiting this developing colony. That is, according to the state of the first settlements, Musk said in 2016 that "probably people will die," but that "finally, it will be very safe to go to Mars and it will be very comfortable" .

Mars could perhaps serve as a basis for more ambitious missions, with Musk describing the Starship as "genuinely conceived as an interplanetary transport system capable of moving from Earth to anywhere in the solar system when you build depots of thrusters along the way ".

SpaceX BFR in action.
Leave for other adventures.

Beyond the transformation of humanity into space civilization, it could also preserve the species. SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell said in April that "if something were to happen on Earth, you need humans living elsewhere … I think you need more ways to survive, and this one is one. "

** Related Video: Elon Musk predicts our future on Mars at SXSW 2018

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