SS Scuba fined US $ 14,000 for selling trips abroad without a valid travel agent's license


SINGAPORE: The SS Scuba Scuba Diving Company was fined on Wednesday, November 28 for selling and organizing unlicensed travel agent travel, the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) said. .

SS Scuba's travel agent license ended in March 2014, but the company continued to sell and organize various trips abroad between January 2015 and July 2016, STB said. .

The company was found guilty of 10 counts and fined 14,000 Singapore dollars. Forty other charges were taken into consideration in sentencing.

"The STB takes a serious stand against unaccredited travel agencies and is committed to upholding the reputation of the Singapore tourism industry and will not hesitate to take the necessary measures against violators in Singapore. legislation, "said the tourism authority.

He urged the public to exercise due diligence when preparing his trip and to refer to the latest list of authorized travel agents in Singapore.

According to its website, SS Scuba was established in September 2010 after a merger between The Submersibles diving group and Seaborne Scuba International diving center. It offers diving lessons and also distributes various diving equipment.

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