Statement of the Organizing Committee on the modification of the human embryo genome reported


</p> <p> Statement of the Organizing Committee on the modification of the human embryo genome reported<br />

November 26, 2018

Statement of the Organizing Committee on the modification of the human embryo genome reported

HONG KONG – On the eve of the Second International Summit on the Modification of the Human Genome, we learned about the birth of twins in China whose embryonic genomes had been modified. The researcher who led the work, He Jiankui, is scheduled to speak at the summit on Wednesday.

The criteria according to which clinical trials of hereditary genome editing could be considered eligible have been the subject of much debate and discussion among many research groups. Many studies have guided the conduct of clinical editing of the hereditary genome. One of these studies, a report published in 2017 by the US National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, concluded that clinical trials could be allowed after preclinical research reviewed by researchers. peers further clarify potential risks and benefits, only for compelling medical reasons in the absence of reasonable solutions, with maximum transparency and strict oversight. The report noted that such research should be approached with caution and with broad public participation. It specified a regulatory framework comprising ten recommended criteria and structures. A second major report, published in 2018, which results from an independent survey conducted by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics in the United Kingdom, also specifies "the circumstances in which hereditary genome modification interventions should be permitted". births in China according to the indications of these studies remain to be determined.

We hope that the dialogue at our summit will advance the world's understanding of the problems associated with editing the human genome. Our goal is to ensure that research on the editing of the human genome is conducted responsibly, in the interest of the whole society.


Molly Galvin
Office of Information and Public Information
American National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine
[email protected]
Mobile: + 1-202-731-2841

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