The horror writer Stephen King was inspired by the late author George Orwell's work for his latest attack on President Donald Trump.
The King on Thursday targeted Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin when he tweeted the last sentence of Orwell's allegory. novella Animal Farm
"The outer creatures looked from pig to man, and from pig to pig, to man again, but it was already impossible to tell who was who, King writes, seeming to refer to the way pigs in Orwell's story, which were supposed to be equal to other animals, ended up becoming as bad as humans that they were trying to replace
The author Shining also suggested Orwell, who famously fought fascists in the Spanish civil society War, was writing about Trump and Putin (or leaders of their kind) when he wrote the story in 1945.
Kin G has been a fierce critic of Trump in recent years. He even wrote this long "horror story" of two sentences about the presidential candidate shortly before the 2016 elections:
It is unlikely that Trump will see King's last message, however.
In May, King told "Late Show" "Host Stephen Colbert that Trump had him stuck on the social media platform for suggesting" he had his head somewhere where a certain yoga stance would necessary to get there. "
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