Sudden change of raid boss – possible index of future content? Speculate!


WARNING: This article is pure speculation based on information available at the time of writing this article. We do not claim that everything said in this article will happen 100%. All this is very fun.

When Niantic changed the Raid Bosses just a day after the last changes of Raid Boss, I found it very strange. I've looked at the new Raid Boss list, and they're not really surprising because most of them are strong against the current Tier 5 Raid Boss, Cresselia, which is usually the case with these Raid Boss.

List of raid bosses on November 27, 2018

So it struck me: why would Niantic have released this other group of Raid Boss yesterday? Let's talk about that.

Most people said it was to help those who still need Aerodactyl for the Meltan special search. If that was the case, they would not have immediately changed the list of raid bosses in just one day? There are still tons of people who have not yet completed the Meltan Special Search.

I think yesterday's alignment was a mistake and there are two reasons why these Raid Bosses are the ones released instead. It was either: a) these Raid Bosses had to be paired with another Raid Boss of rank 5, maybe a future planned version, or b) a simple mistake, has no correlation with a future version, it's just a coincidence, and I'm just thinking about everything.

You might think that the second option makes more sense, but if you look at Boss Raid in this list, most of them are Electric and rock It is therefore difficult to say that it is a coincidence if there is a motive. In the past, when choosing Raid Bosses, Niantic usually chose strong Pokémon against the current Rank 5 Pokémon. The only weak guy at a time Electric and rock the types are Flying types. Since there is no generation IV Flying Legendary, that would mean it would be a Legendary Pokémon back. This may not be a legendary trio of birds, because they have returned recently, but because Pokemon Let's Go was launched recently, I can not fully rely on this possibility. It may not be Rayquaza since it is not weak against Electric. I suspected it was Ho-Oh, since Ho-Oh had also been released about the same time last year, but Lugia can also be counted. To confirm my suspicions, I searched for the old Raid Bosses and checked to see if my assumption that the published Raid Bosses were solid against the current Tier 5 Raid Boss, with the exception of the Mawile, Absol, Alolan Exeggutor staples. , Alolan Raichu, Alolan Marowak, Machamp and Tyranitar. What I found was absolutely shocking:

List of raid bosses from June 21 to July 19, 2018

Yes, this exact list has already been published, with the exception of Aggron and Regice, from June 21st to July 19th. Since Regice is not weak against Electricit was odd that they were included at that time, but it became obvious once Articuno's day arrived on July 7th, as well as Lugia's surprise release on July 14th and 15th.

With all this information, we can imagine what could be the next Legendary Raid Boss that Niantic will release, as well as my personal opinion on the possibility of this happening.

Event of the winter holidays – Regice / Articuno

I would not be surprised if Niantic suddenly published Regice or Articuno, without considering that they were already available a few months ago. Kyogre was released earlier this year, but Kyogre returned in June with his brilliant form, so it is still possible. As the December holidays are known for snow or winter (even if it's summer in the southern hemisphere), a Ice It is inevitable that this type of event is filled, and the possible Legendary Raid Bosses fit in perfectly.

I personally think Regice would be the returning player, mainly because of the similarities between the Raid Bosses released on his release and the Raid Bosses that were recently modified. Yes the Electric the bosses are still strange since both Ice and Electric opposing neutral matches against each other, but the fact that it is almost the exact composition is very strange. I think what happened was that they were preparing for the release of Regice, but they accidentally changed the list of Raid Boss members that is related to Regice, which was not changed because the list has not been updated yet. That's why it's always these Electric types that are added, and no other Pokemon that are strong against Ice. If you strictly consider the types of Raid Bosses, Articuno is the next best option. Some people are still cool after the Ultra Reward event, compared to the Regice version. Articuno is therefore less likely to return. They can also come back both, but that will not happen if they intend to ride the last days of Cresselia with the return of these two Ice Pokemon.

Probability to arrive: 40%

Return of Ho-Oh or Lugia

I hate to say it, but the return of one or the other Ho-Oh or Lugia is also possible if you consider Raid Boss's list. I do not know why Niantic likes to bring back Ho-Oh and Lugia, but it's inevitable that they'll come back sooner or later. I do not even know which one is most likely to return to both. Ho-Oh was available as little time as possible, so I must think it's more likely than Lugia, but I really can not say.

Probability to occur: 20%

Return of Rayquaza

So small as the probability, Rayquaza return is still possible. Although the following justification is a little exaggerated, it is still worth considering.

Given the return of Kyogre, a return for Groudon and Rayquaza should be considered. I plead in favor of Rayquaza not only because of the rock types in the Raid Boss list, but also because of the imminent release of Dialga and Palkia. Free Rayquaza will help players prepare for these two Legendary Pokémon. In addition, Rayquaza is green, like the color of the pine.

However, Rayquaza has no close connection with all the information we have. He was not available during the race of this raid boss roster and the three legendary raid bosses from June 21 to July 19 are Regice, Articuno and Lugia. The only connection he has is the Flying by typing, and we already mentioned earlier that Rayquaza did not Electric weakness.

Probability to occur: 10%


The last time I speculated on a future release, I was mostly right. However, this sudden change in Raid Bosses may well be an honest mistake on the part of the developers. The fact that the Raid Boss list is almost identical to that of a previous version actually makes it more likely that a Niantic developer has implemented the wrong "model" of Raid Bosses, since it n & # 39; No Shinx, a relatively new Pokémon that has yet to be released in the wild. I do not say that I do not trust my speculations. I'm just open to the fact that my speculation may not happen, and if it does not happen as expected, it suits me.

Probability to happen: 30%

And you? Do you have any assumptions about this strange mix of Raid Boss? Comment below! If you also think that there is something wrong with my reasoning, you can also comment down. I would like to read in your thoughts.

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