Superhero Cheatsheet: A complete guide for all DC, Marvel, X-Men movies that come out in 2019


For most people, the year revolves around great events, festivities and celebrations – but for us, the superhero brand of cinema, everything revolves around cinematic universes and their major outings that define about our schedule. Now, 2018 – who has already witnessed some of the greatest features like 'Black Panther' (February), & # 39; Avengers: Infinity War & # 39; (April), and & # 39; Deadpool 2 & # 39; (May), and expects a lot more blockbusters – has officially taken the place of "the year of superhero movies".

With a host of big budget releases still underway – covering franchises and universes of MCU, DCEU and XCU frequently competing – it might be a bit difficult to keep track of all upcoming movies. Here's where we come in, with a complete guide to all the movies you can not miss from July 2018 to 2019.

Be it your super-bible when you sail in the sea of ​​larger than life

Ant-Man and the Wasp – July 6

Starting this weekend, Peyton Reed's next film, "Ant-Man and the Wasp" starring Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lily, is on the top of our list. Coming from Disney's Marvel Studios, the movie is a much-anticipated sequel to the 2015 "Ant-Man" sci-fi thriller and follows the pair of superheroes. The only difference is that this time there is a ghost – unleashed and ready to wreak havoc while Ant-Man and Wasp are looking for Hope's mother in the mysterious quantum realm.

Venom – October 5

Two words – Tom Hardy. Located in the Marvel corner of Sony's superhero universe, 'Venom' is a R-classified interpretation on the classic symbiote story with Hardy attacking at the lead role. As a journalist turned anti-hero, Eddie Brock, the actor will slip famously into the extraterrestrial skin, filled with this monstrous language and its eyeballs. It is interesting to note that Sony keeps his "Venom" card close to his chest, publishing only limited information before its release in October.

Hoping this time, Hardy and Sony get their superhero game.

Aquaman – December 21

The only DC output of 2018, "Aquaman", was high on the hype machine and rightly so. At his first appearance as King of Atlantis, Jason Momoa not only cast a shadow over the other members of the 2017 feature film, "Justice League," but also received rave reviews for his "Aquaman". for Warner Bros. Studios.

What more can I ask for? The "Aquaman" teasers that have been published so far are just continuing to fuel the buzz surrounding Momoa's self-contained DCEU film. Coupled with his chiseled looks and long mane, we have no doubt that DC fans will flock to theaters in December.

Moving in 2019 …

X-Men: Dark Phoenix – February 14

The cinematic universe of X-Men is about to undergo a complete overhaul, thanks to some Disney deal Fox-controlled. Given the circumstances, it's just a matter of time before a new set of creatives takes hold of the franchise, shaping it into a completely different mold. But above all, "X-Men: Dark Phoenix", with a host of big names like Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan, Kodi Smit-McPhee, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence and Michael Fassbender, will be released in theaters .

Captain Marvel – March 8

Fix Marvel's defect in terms of lack of female representation, especially in the lead roles, in the super cinematic universe -Heroes, is Larson's upcoming Brie Movie, Captain Marvel. With Anna Boden and her long-time collaborator Ryan Fleck, the film will carry MCU fans in the past, in the '90s to be precise, following Carol Danvers' original story. (Although Marvel's leaders insist that nothing looks like another original film)

Asides Larson, "Captain Marvel" also plays Samuel L. Jackson, Jude Law, Gregg Clark, Gemma Chan and McKenna Grace.

Shazam! – April 5

If "Aquaman" is one of the pillars on which rests the DCEU resurrection, the other is the "Shazam!" Which we talk a lot about. movie, starring Zachary Levi in ​​the titular role. Fortunately or unfortunately, the film has been infused with controversy since the very beginning, especially since Dwayne Johnson is involved in the bow in his anti-hero role as Black Adam. But with the Rock completely separating from the film, it's up to Levi and director David F. Sandberg to offer entertainment, something DC fans have been enjoying since "Wonder Woman".

Avengers May 4 – 3

In April of this year, Marvel flamed all rifles, starting their first real antagonist in the form of Thanos. Benefiting from one of the largest sets, "Avengers: Infinity War" undoubtedly set the bar high and now everything rests on the untitled Avengers sequel coming in May to conclude the conclusion. phase III of MCU.

Aside from the update on filmmakers Joe and Anthony Russo, there is not much information available yet on the fourth Avengers movie. This would be a bet for the cartoon franchise, however, to justify the plot and the possible resurrection of a crowd of dead Marvel heroes.

Spider-Man: Away from Home – July 5

When Spider-Man: Homecoming came out last year, it was almost like a revival of the super-universe Sony hero, with the superhero Tom Holland. fans and critics. Naturally, expectations are high from following the rebooted franchise, which will see Jon Watts return to the director's presidency and Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers write the screenplay for "Far from Home".

If all goes as planned, one could even see Jake Gyllenhaal join the cast as the villainous Mysterio alongside Michael Keaton's vulture.

The New Mutants – August 2

This film from 20th Century Fox is another project that has been marked by delays. For over a year now, in order to accommodate the production and rework, the release date of the film is pushed. Hoping that the studios would maintain their 2019 schedule, the horror finds second place on our superhero cheatsheet.

Centered on a young mutant, in a non-superhero environment, "New Mutants" Maisie Williams at the head of the cast that also includes names like Alice Braga, Charlie Heaton and Henry Zaga.

Wonder Woman 1984

All our hopes rest on the slender shoulders of Wonder Woman, an iconic characterist in the DC comic book that has made Gal Gadot's big screen famous. Against all odds, Patty Jenkins' solo Wonder Woman had broken box office records in 2017. And loyal fans of the franchise are hoping that the Gadot-Jenkins combination will continue with their winning streak with the next sequel. good.

Get ready to go back in time, as Wonder Woman flies high in the context of the cold war in 1984.

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