Svetlana Loboda was in the Russian hospital


The singer complained of severe abdominal pain.

Popular Singer Svetlana Loboda, which often visits Russia, was urgently hospitalized in Moscow with pains in the abdominal area.

It is noted that 36-year-old actress was taken to a Moscow hospital with severe pain in the abdomen. At the moment, the issue of possible operations.

The diagnosis is still unknown, but the condition of the patient is estimated as average weight.

The singer was hospitalized with suspected obstruction of the kidney.

"On Tuesday evening, Svetlana Loboda was urgently admitted to the hospital directly from the rehearsals of his new show with suspected obstruction of the kidney. During the performance of complex dance numbers, she felt a sharp pain in her back and lost consciousness. Currently, doctors clarify the diagnosis and make everything possible to stabilize the condition of the artist. Data about the cancellation of the future has not yet received ", – stated in the message.

With Billboard artist in Instagram, who know that 25, 26 and 28 October in Moscow was scheduled for her concerts.

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