Tayanna made a statement on participation in national selection to “Eurovision 2019”


Tayanna has denied rumors of a secret engagement.

Ukrainian singer Tayanna, less well-known as Tatyana Reshetnyak, surprised by the statement of national selection “Eurovision 2019”. The actress, who 2 years in a row trying to get to the international competition, is ambiguous, commented his participation in the show.

In February in Ukraine loud anticipated show of the national selection “Eurovision 2019”. As in previous years, the popular singers will compete for the opportunity to represent the country at international shows. Tayanna in the “high life” admitted that after 2 years of fighting for victory in the national selection does not know whether to come to the project. However, the answer to this question is known Andrey Danilko.

I think that it is necessary to ask Danilko– ambiguously said Tayanna.

Subsequently, the artist explained his comment. According to her, after the national selection “Eurovision 2018” Danilko admitted that if it was not in the judgment of the jury, Tayanna would go to the international competition. Because of this, the star noted that only the charismatic producer and artist depends on its participation in the national selection.

In addition, Tayanna has denied rumors of a secret engagement. Talking about the upcoming wedding of Tatyana Reshetnyak appeared after the publication of photos in a wedding dress. However, the actress assured that it means nothing, and these photo shoots she is trying to “prophesy marriage”.

“I prophesy. So sometimes we go first look of the apartment house in order to meditate on them and to see in the future. I’m also trying on wedding dresses to prophesy to own wedding” – said Tayanna.

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