It only took them 20 movies and 10 years, but a female superhero is finally leading a Marvel Studios movie. After a supporting role in "Ant-Man" 2015, Hope van Dyne of Evangeline Lilly takes her time to shine and fight the bad guys in "Ant-Man and the Wasp."

To prepare for his grand journey into the quantum realm, we recommend you check out these five female superheroes that have saved the day on the money screen and the TV screen. on board.

"Marvel's Jessica Jones" (Netflix): A Superhero Investigator Became a Private Investigator (Krysten Ritter) Attempts to Restore his life after being forced to make the orders of the wicked Kilgrave. (Photo: David Giesbrecht, Netflix)

If you want a gritty psychological exploration: "Jessica Jones"

Jessica Jones, played by Krysten Ritter, a drollly funny and emotionally raw character, does not even want to be a hero, but her past will not leave her alone. The series of black-style comics explores difficult topics such as sexual assault, alcoholism and domestic violence. Jones, who has a great strength, has her greatest battles in her mind and when she confronts the people who hurt her.

Broadcast the first two seasons on Netflix.

"Supergirl" season 3 will air on Netflix in June. (Photo: Katie Yu / CW)

If you want something fun and well-being: Supergirl & # 39;

Move on Superman – the Earth has a new protector. Spiritual Successor of the "Wonder Woman" of the 1970s CW's "Supergirl" television show contains a stream of pure joy radiating everywhere. While the effects of CGI may be lacking at times, the show never fails to reach or assortment of villains to fight. Encouraged by the juvenile performance of Melissa Benoist as the Kryptonian, you will believe that a woman can fly.

Broadcast the first three seasons on Netflix.

Gal Gadot plays the role of "Wonder Woman & # 39; (Photo: Clay Enos / Warner Bros.)

If you wonder "Wonder Woman" [1965-19008] "Wonder Woman" caused a sensation when it was released in 2017, and it is quite up to . The film carries his heart on his sleeve, whether it's the iconic No Man's Land scene where Wonder Woman faces a German machine gunner to save a village or his rumination about war and loss. Diana Prince of Gal Gadot / Wonder Woman is both curious and perhaps overly optimistic about humanity. Like the best heroes, she wants to see the good in people and not the worst.

Streaming on HBO GO / NOW.

The Hit Girl at the Blade (Chloe Grace Moretz) in "Kick-Ass 2" & # 39; (Photo: Daniel Smith, Universal Pictures) [19659007] If you are wondering why superheroes are not real: "Kick-Ass"

Would you like to see an ill-fated 11-year-old girl come down a hallway of rented goons? It's the pitch for this ultra-violent black comedy that imagines what would happen if people were trying to be superheroes for real, with realistic and painful results that follow. Aaron Taylor-Johnson may be in the title role and in punching-ball, but it's Chloé Grace Moretz's turn, Hit-Girl, that people will remember. The most intelligent person in the room, she saves the main character and kicks – well, that's in the title.

Rent or buy on YouTube, Amazon, Google Play, Vudu or iTunes.

If you want a cult classic campy: 'Tank Girl'

The strangest superhero movie you've probably ever heard of, "Tank Girl" has been worshiping for over 20 years. Similar to "Mad Max" (they are both based in Australia), if "Mad Max" was more rustic and crazy, the film explores a post-apocalyptic world where water is scarce and there is [19659016] Kangaroo super soldiers for some reason. When an evil corporate overlord attacks Tank Girl (Lori Petty) and kills her boyfriend, she seeks revenge and tries to save what's left of the world in a tank

Rent or buy on Amazon.

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