The Gifted Season 2 Episode 8 Review: dreaM


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The Gifted Season 2 Episode 8

The talented It's a really strong X-Men show, and like all X-media, sometimes its own stock is a bit high. The series is especially effective when it combines a surprisingly good action with a soapy melodrama that tackles problems that have obvious parallels in the real world. The series comes up against problems when, rather than starting from a situation and reaction of the characters, they start with a theme and go back to the characters. It's finally here that "the dreaM" breaks up this week: they really want you to know that Polaris and "his father" are identical, but to make this link explicit, they ask him to do things that I do not think to be justified by his character is so far away.

At this point, Lorna is committed to protecting Dawn. She was extremely mom from the helicopter about the baby, but this episode requires him to let go, and I do not buy him. The stubborn and stubborn woman who gave up the resistance to build a better future for her baby and almost killed two allies for humming the same song as the child would probably not want to send her to a boarding school for newborns in the Alps first sign of civil unrest. She is only slightly more likely to decide that she can not raise the baby and that her partner and the baby's father also can not raise Dawn. This gives the impression of mixing to mix, and not because it suits the characters.

I'll admit that I have trouble separating my feelings about the need to develop the plot of my feelings about the very evolution of the plot. I do not know how much it really makes me doubt the need to put Dawn aside and how much I just do not want to see Marcos and Lorna separated from their child.

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Part of my doubts come from the quality of this episode. They really club us with the Dawn plot to show us just how much supposedly Magneto Polaris is supposed to be, but they are much more subtle in the way they treat it with Esme. Lorna uses her baby to eat Esme's brain. It manipulates the hell of this poor unscrupulous telepath and it is a classic movement of magneto power. It is also a beautiful reversal of the comic relationship where Esme worshiped Kick and encouraged Magneto to destroy Manhattan.

The backup stories here are not really anything special. We have made a little more progress in the collapse of the idle relationship between Thunderbird and Blink – John is still trying to fix everything, while Clarice has lost hope and is fighting to go down the drain with the Morlocks.

Meanwhile, Cluck Strucker's scenario goes in search of the former assistant of Reed's father so that he can get help to quell his uncontrollable mutant power. actually calm things. Everything that was going on in this university was so sinister: the fact that everyone is afraid of playing Frisbee while the world ignites after the Inner Circle attack on Creed Financial; the t-shirt worn by the medical technician ("Never trust an atom, they compose everything" was chosen expressly because of the children of the atom, I promise you); the happy mutants lying around the laboratory. So, when the big revelation has been made, that Dr. Riesman's brother founded the Purifiers but that she hates him, but she's also going to use Strucker's blood to make a Mutant treatment, c & # 39; was like a disappointment.

Further Reading – The Best X-Men: The Episodes of the Animated Series

Lorna ends the episode by dropping the baby at her adoptive mother, then turning the Magneto disc into a headset for her, making sure we all knew exactly what they were trying to say. habitually The talented and the X-Men in general do not encounter any problem with their lack of subtlety, but there were enough faults elsewhere in this week's episode to make it really hurt.

Loose generic material

– Apparently, Rebecca's attack inside Creed Financial has killed 37 people, and if you're of the same opinion as me, your answer to Marcos saying "37" was to shout "IN AN EMPLOYMENT ? " on TV.

– It's super niggling, but they do not do anything to clear up Marcos' beard in flashbacks.

– "Creed Financial" is a good idea. It's probably a reference to Graydon Creed, the founder of the Friends of Humanity, a group resembling the Purifiers of the early-90s X-Men books. He is also the son of Mystique and Sabertooth.

– Someone knows which school in Switzerland was Lorna? I think it could have been a reference to Jason Aaron's Hellfire Academy Wolverine and the X-Men run, but I can be wrong.

– Esme printed on Dawn and oh my god if The talented is secretly Reverse dusk? I will send a US dollar to the authors if they know how to name an episode of Season 3 50 shades of Nate Grey.

– How come they can not tell Magneto in this show? It's still "your father" or "him" [Lucille Bluth Trying to Wink dot gif]"But they put his logo on, right there on the button.

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