80's legendary singer Peter Gabriel put an undisclosed amount of funds into Provenance, a British blockchain startup that aims to make supply chains more transparent.
Gabriel joins a list of celebrities giving their support – financial or personal – to startups related to cryptocurrency. Paris Hilton, Floyd Mayweather and Katy Perry have all been promoting social media initial offerings (ICOs) over the last year.
Other funders include working capital, Digital Currency Group, Merian Ventures and Plug and Play. The founder of Merian Alexsis of Raadt-St. James and Chemain Saan, a partner of Working Capital, will join Provenance's board of directors.
Provenance aims to use the technology that underlies the Ethereum cryptocurrency to make the food supply chain more transparent. The idea is that you can find out where the food you buy in supermarkets or other retailers, since its inception.
The new tour follows Provenance's seed tour of $ 800,000 in 2017. Jessi Baker, founder of Provenance, is listed in the Business Insider rankings of the coolest founders of the year. last year.
Gabriel said, "We must be able to trust the chain of source and distribution, especially when it comes to ensuring that things are produced in an ethical and ecological way."
The Genesis leader has supported other startups, investing $ 1.3 million in Ctrlio, which helps people manage their household bills. All his businesses did not finish well. His music licensing startup CueSongs went into administration in 2016.
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