Things named after famous people. Photo


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A snack at work sandwiches, but not everyone knows that this name comes from the name of its inventor, the English aristocrat the Earl of Sandwich. However, it was long before the sandwiches began to sell in fast food outlets. Although not so long ago in comparison with the lifetime of king Harald Bluetooth, after whom was named the modern Bluetooth technology, known to everyone who uses a cell phone. Stories about outstanding people, whose names became a household name and gave the name to our usual things.

Cardigan: James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan

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In the wardrobe of many people, you can see the cardigan is a knitted jacket with buttons and without a collar. But perhaps not everyone knows that it has been named this garment after its inventor – a British General James Thomas Brudnell, 7th Earl of Cardigan. Originally the cardigan was a vest that the British military wore under the dress uniform for warmth, but gradually he moved into the closet of civilians, including women, and had long sleeves.

Maecenas: Gaius Cilnius Maecenas

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The term “philanthropist” applies to the man who at his own expense contributes to the development of science and art. Many of these people made history, but it all started with a noble Roman of Etruscan descent by the name Gaius Cilnius Maecenas, who lived in the I century BC and became famous as a patron of poets. For example, Horace Maecenas gave the manor, and Virgil helped to get rid of violence on the part of a centurion and snatched back the poet’s estate.

In addition, the Patron was in friendly relations with the Emperor Augustus and could affect the latter, holding back violent impulses of the ruler. According to the testimony of dio Cassius, Maecenas was once held Aug from the pronouncement of many death sentences, writing the fact only one sentence: Surge tandem, carnifex! (“Yes, a lot of you, butcher!”).

Boycott: Charles Boycott

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Full or partial termination of the relationship with an individual or organization, or boycott, known in many countries as a method of peaceful resistance. Although in itself, the boycott was used previously as the official name of this kind of struggle appeared only in the late XIX century and is connected with the name of Charles Boycott, who worked as the steward of a landowner Lord erne in Ireland’s County Mayo.

In 1880, the fight for fair rent, the right to remain on the land and the right of free sale of land, the Land League of Ireland went on strike and withdrew the workers needed the Lord today for the harvest on his estate. Boycott, as the Manager started to fight against this strike, to which the League responded with a campaign of its isolation in the local community.

Neighbors stopped to talk to the Boycott, did not sit near him in Church and shops refused to serve. Eventually the Manager broke down and left Ireland, and his name was included in most of the languages of the world.

Raglan sleeve: Fitzroy James Henry Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan

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The Raglan sleeve is remarkable that it cut out with a shoulder part of the front and back of the product. But, as in the case of a cardigan, this item of clothing came to us from military fashion. cut sleeves preferred British field Marshal Baron Raglan who lost his right arm at the Battle of Waterloo.

Custom sleeve Raglan helped at least a little to hide the drawback, besides the tunic of this cut was comfortable to wear in rainy weather: due to the lack of seam water does not penetrate under the clothes. In addition, this sleeve has allowed the military with great convenience to use in combat, edged weapons, e.g. a sword.

Sports swimsuit, or léotard: Jules léotard

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Another piece of clothing that originally appeared in mens wardrobe – a sports swimsuit, he léotard (or leotard). It has been named after a French acrobat Jules Leotar, speaking in such suit. In the nineteenth century lotary only put on circus performers, but in the XX century sports swimsuit broke in ballet, gymnastics, other sports, and thanks to the emergence of aerobics léotard became popular street wear in the 1980s: it was worn with leggings and skirts.

Silhouette: Etienne de Silhouette

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The word “silhouette” and its meaning is known to everyone, but not all realize that it comes from the name of a French inspector of Finance, Etienne de Silhouette (on the collage at left), who was renowned for his stinginess and the desire to reduce the cost of king Louis XV and his entourage. Of course, this in no way contributed to the popularity of the Silhouette, let his actions and was absolutely justified.

Excessive frugality Silhouette was the cause of the appearance of the phrase à la Silhouette, which was used against the cheap stuff. And in honor of the “stingy” of the controller was called the art of portrait painting in the form of a shadow – an inexpensive alternative for those who could not afford to order a full portrait of the artist. The Silhouette was not the inventor of this technique, but he liked to do these portraits. An example of such work (a silhouette of Jane Austen, the author of a portrait – Mrs. Collins) you see in the collage on the right.

Whatman: James Watman

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Dense white bond paper with high resistance to abrasion was also named after its Creator, English paper manufacturer James Wattana Sr. (born. James Whatman, in Russian pronunciation – Whatman). He Watman originally called his invention wove an paper (literally “woven paper”), but in the Russian language has taken root it is the name.

Saxophone: Adolphe Sax

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The saxophone was designed in 1842 the Belgian music by master Adolphe sax, who called his invention the mouthpiece ophicleide (now obsolete wind instrument). And we know the name “saxophone” this tool gave each sax, French composer Hector Berlioz. By the way, the English word “sax” (saxophone) often reduce to simple “sax” (sax).

Bluetooth: Harald I Bluetooth

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Wireless technology enterprises devices were named after lived in the X century the king of Denmark and Norway Harald I Bluetooth (bluetooth is literally translated as “blue tooth”), who United the peoples on the territory of modern Denmark and southern Sweden, where it was developed this technology. It is considered that the king got his nickname because of the bad condition of the teeth, however, they were not blue, but rather black: blå word at that time meant a darker color than blue.

Female seducer, or Casanova: Giacomo Casanova

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The name of this adventurer and lover of amorous adventures became a household word, but, unlike literary characters of Lothario and don Juan, Giacomo Casanova really existed. Casanova traveled extensively, he has been in Russia, where he was struck by the fact that the common people and the servants eat drink, which seemed amazing: it is about the brew.

By the way, the number won by Casanova women were not so huge even by the standards of the past. This confirms a quote from the introductory article to the Russian edition of the memoirs of Casanova: “…the”don Juan list” Casanova can capture the imagination just a very exemplary family man: 122 women over 39 years… So whether it’s three romantic adventures in a year?”

Sandwich: John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich

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Sometimes the most genius inventions are born through ordinary human laziness. To such things it can be attributed to the sandwich, which was the world due to the fact that an avid gambler Earl of Sandwich didn’t want to get up to a decent lunch.

The count had a habit to sit at the table all day and asked to serve him a cold beef between two slices of toasted bread, so as not to interrupt their studies and not so much to get your hands dirty with food. So all the famous sandwich got its name and became an integral part of food culture in the big cities.

Paparazzi: Tazio Secchiaroli

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Outset: the word “paparazzi” became a household word due to the character by the name of Paparazzo film by Federico Fellini “the Sweet life”. But the prototype of the hero was Italian Tazio Secchiaroli (pictured in the lower left corner), which is considered to be the world’s first paparazzi photographer, shooting scenes from the lives of celebrities without their knowledge and consent.

However, after the film Secchiaroli ceased to be a street photographer and dedicated himself to Studio work. In particular, he was the personal photographer of Sophia Loren and remained so for 20 years.

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