This scene 'Ant-Man and the Wasp & # 39; is the key to & # 39; Avengers 4 & # 39;


Ant-Man and Wasp was a roller coaster of emotions. Aside from the film's funny moments, there were scenes full of action and of course, this mid-credit scene . If you have not seen the movie yet, we suggest you click immediately because we are about to talk about post-movie theories.

The spoilers start … now.

Many have wondered how Ant-Man and the Wasp would bond with Avengers: The Infinite War and Avengers 4 . The film specified that this happened just after Captain America: Civil War and the mid-credits showed the consequences of the rupture of Thanos. The Pym-Van Dyne family turns to ashes and Scott Lang stays floating in the Quantum realm.

After watching the movie, I immediately read theories about what could happen to Avengers 4 . So sit back and maybe have a coffee because I'm listing a few below.

Escape from the Quantum Kingdom

There are some possibilities: Luis finds the van or Ghost pulls Scott out of the realm. In other words, they did not turn to ashes. Scott was able to do it himself as in the first film Ant-Man where he found his normal size to come out of the Quantum Real, but the new suit seems to have new features and does not work. in the same way. Bustle also suggests that Captain Marvel can save Scott because she can travel back in time and cross the multiverse and the quantum realm. So maybe we'll see Scott again in Captain Marvel . (Coincidentally, they finished production the day Ant-Man and Wasp were created.)

Vortex Time

Before transporting Scott to the Quantum Kingdom, Janet Van Dyne reminded him briefly be sucked into a vortex of time. We will not be able to save you. If no one comes to the rescue of Scott, it is possible that he enters one of these vortices and that he comes back or forth in time. It's possible that it will emerge in the future since the MCU would have recruited Emma Furhmann to play teenage girl Cassie Lang (Scott's daughter, so that probably means she's up to date!) 39, shelter from the break!). It also means that he will see a whole new world post-Thanos and with half of the Avengers gone.

There are also theories that it will return to the chronology of the first Avengers movie after rumors that they bring back Battle of New York for the fourth film. Maybe Scott will warn the Avengers of the impending fate of the universe

Accessing the Soul Stone

I briefly mentioned this theory before the key to saving half of the universe is to release them. Although I have mentioned that only one person – Adam Warlock – can access Soulworld according to the comics, it is also possible that Scott can do it too. The MCU tends to move away from comics and create its own cannon, so listen to us. The observer notes that there could be a door in the Quantum Kingdom going to Soulworld. If that's true, it will give Ant-Man and Captain Marvel a chance to save everyone. It is quite possible that your favorite superheroes will be resurrected after Avengers 4 – including Gamora, apparently

Prediction of Dr. Strange

Remember that Dr. Strange said that there was only one. probability of success on 14 million against Thanos? After having voluntarily given the Stone of Time to the crazy Titan, you would think that everything was lost. But it is also possible that Ant-Man is the key to Strange's prediction. Screen Rant suggests that Strange handed the stone of the day because it was literally "the only way" to succeed. Now that we have Ant-Man who can enter different multiverse and Captain Marvel en route, Strange could be on the right track.

Screen Rant also adds that Tony Stark may be a crucial element in the fight against Thanos since he can develop travel technology in the time that he and the other Avengers can use to fix everything. That said, does this mean that Tony will sacrifice himself to save everyone?

Was Ant-Man already in the Quantum Realm in the other films?

Forbes has a spirit of madness. a theory about the Battle of New York. Since Scott is stuck in the quantum realm, it's possible that he's acquiring the same telepathic powers as Janet's when she was there for years. Combine that with the ability to travel back in time, there is a chance that he can communicate with someone in the past about Thanos and the snap. In particular, Nick Fury, who formed the Avengers when he discovered that the aliens were going to attack the Earth.

The outlet suggests that Nick could have had the Captain Marvel pager well before. Infinity War . Which means he may have been waiting for something big to happen in the future – even bigger than the New York battle. How did he know? Well, Scott told him of the future

My brain right now: [ Screaming ]

Art by Marian Hukom

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