Tottenham must rotate his team to beat Barcelona


Mauricio Pochettino says Tottenham firmly believes that they can beat Barcelona and advance in the Champions League, but warned that he should continue to leave key players aside to make sure they arrive at Camp Nou with a fighting chance.

Pochettino missed Christian Eriksen and Son Heung-Min, both of whom played in Saturday's 3-1 win over Chelsea, in their program for Wednesday's crucial match against Inter Milan, before presenting them in second period.

The arrival of Eriksen proved to be particularly important as the late strike of the Dane secured a 1-0 win that allowed the Spurs to overtake Inter and make sure that their away win over Barca in a fortnight would give room to the playoffs of North Londoners.

"We have great respect for Barcelona, ​​one of the best teams in Europe," said Pochettino. "Of course, they have incredible players and it will be so difficult, but we have the belief that we can win.We have more than to show a good level to compete at our best level.

"To get to Barcelona and compete as best we can, we have to have new legs, a new spirit, no injuries, so to get to Barcelona we have to manage and rotate the team. Minister The league is so hard.

"We play in the Champions League and the [Carabao] Cup against Arsenal in the Emirates. It's so hard to play games every three days. So difficult for us and for our players, it's so difficult. They are not going to have a day off before January. "

Barcelona could rest some of its most influential players against Tottenham next month, knowing that they've already dominated the group, but Pochettino said: "I do not know [what they’ll do]. I think that they will play with the best players, but today, I do not know how they will prepare the game.

"What Barcelona is doing is not in our hands, but of course, in the Champions League, no one is going to offer a gift and does not care about the outcome.

"It's going to be very competitive but of course they are first qualified with 13 points, we and Inter can only get with 10 points, everything is possible in football, but now we have to focus on Arsenal Sunday – another huge game for us. "

Given the physical constraints imposed on his players, Pochettino suggested a rule change allowing him to repeatedly introduce and replace players throughout a match.

"I can not play with 13 players," he said. "One of the things I do not like in football is that rule, maybe we should switch to rolling subs, like basketball, so that you can get in and out. go out.

"If you have the time, I think you have to watch our games, when we started against Chelsea we would play 12 games in 40 days – that means we will play every third day.

"To do this, no player – perhaps the goalkeeper – can play in the 12 games, the most important is to avoid risks, to mix the team with different players and to rotate the players. for that they feel important. "

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