Trevor Noah: I was not trying to hurt somebody


Trevor Noah, host of "The Daily Show," says that he was not trying to hurt anyone after the attack, after that. a video clip resurfaced of an offensive joke that he had made about aboriginal women.

After the comedian made an unofficial apology on Twitter after being called for the joke, he writes, "After visiting the Bunjilaka Museum in Australia and learning about Aboriginal history, I swore to myself never again make a joke. And I will not do it, I will make sure that the 2013 clip is not promoted in any way. "

In a recent interview, Noah explained that he did not want to hurt anyone but that he had not Noah said:" It's just interesting when you travel to understand the nuances between cultures that change how a joke is considered offensive or offensive. "

When asked if comedians should recognize and take responsibility for the jokes that some people might find hurtful, the comedian said," I think it's the responsibility of all of us. " an actor to be as faithful as possible to what he is trying to do. "

He went on:" One thing I learned in comedy is that you can not – unfortunately if you're a comedian – you can not compliment your comedy on what everyone says, because that the truth is that everyone can be offended "

" But there are jokes where people go: "We do not like you to say that" and I say to myself "Yes, but that is I believe that and that is what I am going to say. And I think that's what comes in being a comedian. "

Noah then spoke about the responsibility of comedians for social commentary.

" As far as liability is concerned, I think it's an interesting thing that society has some responsibility on comedians. "As a comedian, I think it's crazy that sometimes the lyrics of comedians be considered the most powerful." The words there, and yet the actions of politicians and the words that they say will be dismissed as jokes.It is sometimes a bit strange to live in a world where it will happen. "

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