What's on TV Friday: 'Shirkers' and 'Suspiria'


Sandi Tan's acclaimed documentary debut on Netflix. And the original "Suspiria" streams on Tubi.

SHIRKERS (2018) we Netflix. In Singapore in the early 1990s, a teenage Sandi Tan wrote and acted in a road movie in which she played a woman who murdered for sport. Then, one collaborator on the movie – an American named George Cardona – disappeared with all the footage. In this documentary – for which Ms. Tan won a directing award at Sundance – she revisits her old movie after the movie is recovered, looking to find out who George really was and why he stole it. In her review for The New York Times, Jeannette Catsoulis wrote that the film is "both mystery and manhunt, a captivating account of shattered friendship and betrayed trust."

YOU WERE NEVER REALLY HERE (2017) we Amazon. Lynne Ramsay's dark, brutal thriller based on Jonathan Ames novella casts Joe Joaquin as Joe, a hired gun who saves young girls from trafficking. Phoenix speaks to the world, leaving plenty of room for the movie's rich, unearthly score by Jonny Greenwood. A.O. Scott, in his review for The Times, wrote that the movie is "less concerned with what Joe does or why he does it."

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