Six US Capitol Police Officers May Face Discipline For January 6 Actions | Attack on the US Capitol


An internal investigation by the United States Capitol Police (USCP) recommended disciplinary action against six of its officers for their actions in the January 6 riot, although none face charges criminal.

In a statement, the USCP said its professional liability office opened 38 separate investigations following the deadly attack on Capitol Hill by supporters of Donald Trump seeking to overturn his electoral defeat.

Investigators were able to identify officers involved in 26 of the cases, the statement said, and found no evidence of wrongdoing in 20 cases.

Of the other six, he said, three are cited for improper conduct, one for non-compliance with guidelines, one for inappropriate comments and one for “inappropriate dissemination of information”.

None of the officers have been named and no specific details of the incidents have been disclosed because “internal investigations, including recommended disciplinary action, as well as personnel matters are not public information,” the official said. department, adding that the US attorney’s office had failed to find evidence that any of its officers committed a crime.

“The six cases supported should not diminish the heroic efforts of the United States Capitol Police. On January 6, the bravery and courage shown by the vast majority of our employees was inspiring, ”the press release concluded.

The disciplinary measures were first reported by CNN, which noted in February that the USCP had suspended six officers with pay and was investigating 29 others. It is not clear whether the suspended officers were the ones now subject to disciplinary action.

USCP spokesman John Stolnis said Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman pledged to take disciplinary action against “any member of his department whose behavior is unsuccessful. not in accordance with the rules of conduct of the department ”.

One officer was seen taking selfies with members of the crowd, while another was pictured wearing Trump’s Make America Great Again (Maga) baseball cap, anecdotal evidence at the time said.

Separately, a House select committee is investigating the attack on the Capitol building, which followed Trump’s urging his supporters to “fight like hell” in support of the government’s false claims. former president that the election was stolen from him.

Michael Fanone, a beaten and Tasered USCP officer during the insurgency, told the committee in July that he “went to hell and came back” as he and his colleagues defended the Capitol against the rioters, and subsequently received vulgar voice messages and death threats to express themselves.

Others have sued Trump, blaming him for the injuries they sustained. A USCP officer suffered a stroke and died as a result of the violence, and four others have since died by suicide.


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