Skrillex is perhaps our greatest hope in the Minnesota war against mosquitoes. Seriously.


But it turns out that we have a new weapon against these leeches, which comes from an unlikely source. A recent study revealed that this Skrillex song could keep mosquitoes from biting you – and producing more baby mosquitoes.

We know you have questions. Before you ask, yes, it is a true scientific study, published in the journal Acta Tropica. Yes, the music must be electronic, and it must be from the American artist Skrillex dubstep. No, we have no idea if Skrillex was planning to save us all the time.

According to the study titled "The Electronic Song" Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites "reduces the success of host attacks and mating in the dengue vector. Aedes aegypti,"Mosquitoes need" low frequency vibrations "to find their bearings and" facilitate sexual interactions ".

"Scary Monsters", a hit and vibrating club hit in 2010, combines "very high and low" frequencies, which are known to influence mosquito behavior. Adult insects in an environment without music were able to feed their hosts earlier and more often than those thrown in an environment where the beats were falling and wubbing wubbing.

"In addition to providing insight into the auditory sensitivity of Ae. aegypti To summarize, our results showed the vulnerability of its main vector capacity characteristics to electronic music, "says the study. This news could offer "new ways" for music-based protection systems Aedescommunicable diseases, such as dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya and zika.

The Metropolitan Mosquito Control District, which is trying to control the mosquito population in the area of ​​the seven counties surrounding the twin cities, is taking it with several grains of salt.

"I do not know if we're going to put a loudspeaker on our necks soon," spokesman Mike McLean said. The idea that mosquitoes "react in a behavioral way to sound" is not completely "unannounced", he says, and the study is "interesting" .

"I can see where [Skrillex] would annoy them, "he concedes. I would be pissed off. "

But such studies are also often the source of the seeds of the next "quack" mosquito repellent on the market, and he wants consumers to pay attention.

But Skrillex, at least, seems excited.

"More mosquitoes, man," he tweeted on Wednesday. "Icon of science."


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