Skyrim board game announcement


A table adaptation of Skyrim be there soon. Modiphius Entertainment announced that it is manufacturing The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim The Board Game, with the intention of launching a crowdfunding campaign on GameFound later this year. Few details were provided on the game other than the basic description that it would be “an epic adventure through Skyrim board game for 1 to 4 players.” Modiphius is also the creator of The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms, a miniatures skirmish game with a variety of cooperative and competitive modes that uses characters from the popular fantasy video game franchise.

The main news in the announcement is that Modiphius is choosing to fundraise for the game through GameFound rather than Kickstarter. While Kickstarter is the default crowdfunding publisher for board game publishers, GameFound is a website founded by Marcin Świerkot, CEO of board game publisher Awaken Realms. Board game campaigns make up about a third of Kickstarter’s annual revenue, and a major contender in this area could be huge news in the tabletop industry.

Originally released in 2011, Skyrim has sold over 30 million copies and has been released on two generations of consoles. The open-world game is set in the Nordic-inspired land of Skyrim, with the player being given a choice of storylines ranging from determining the fate of a contentious civil war to managing a prophesied dragon to destroy the world. Fans have waited a decade for the next episode of the popular Old scrolls franchise, and although Bethesda has confirmed that it is working on the next episode, it could be years before the game’s release. We still don’t know much about the new game, although fans seem to think it is. will take place at Hammerfall.

More details on The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim The Board Game will be released later this year.


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