Sleep quality could be genetic, says new research


Sleep is essential to the functioning of our body. Research shows that not enough is associated with diabetes, obesity and mental health issues, but despite all we know about the quality of sleep, it's not always easy to fall asleep and stay asleep. You can have the perfect nighttime routine with a dark and quiet room and you still can not fall asleep. Scientists understand, however, that this may be beyond our control.

In a study published in Nature Communications On Friday, researchers discovered that our genes play a role in the quality of our sleep.

While previous studies often relied on self-reported data, the study, led by the University of Exeter, showed that almost 90,000 people wore tracking devices (such as Apple watches) that analyzed their activity for seven years. days. They discovered 47 links between our genes and the quality of our sleep, how often and at what time. Among the new genetic links found, they discovered that a variant of the PDE11A gene was affecting the duration of our sleep and the quality of our sleep.

"This study identifies genetic variants that affect sleep patterns and will provide new insights into the molecular role of sleep in humans, and is part of a body of emerging work that may one day inform the development of sleep patterns." to the point of new treatments to improve our sleep and our overall health, "said lead author Samuel Jones, Ph.D., of the University of Exeter's Faculty of Medicine in a statement .

For better or for worse, we can not change our genes, but we can change our way of life to improve our sleep.

First of all, it is helpful to identify things in your life that may hinder your vision. To do this, note how different night routines affect the time you need to fall asleep and the frequency with which you wake up at night. The relationship of each body to sleep is unique because internal and external influences contribute to the quality of sleep.

You may find that when you work on your computer in bed, you need a little more time to sleep, or maybe add a few more minutes to relax with a breathing exercise or a meditation practice can you help stay asleep longer. By following your experience, you can begin to determine what's right for you.

Whether you think your genes are hindering or supporting your zzz, it's helpful to remember that our environment plays an important role in our health, and we can do something about it.


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