Smallpox and polio would still be in the United States if “false information” spreads like with COVID


President Biden’s Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci told CNN On Saturday, it is “certain” that smallpox and polio would still be in the United States if vaccine misinformation spread like it did for COVID-19.

Why is this important: Facebook doubled down on its defense on Saturday against Biden’s comments that social media platforms were “killing people” by allowing misinformation about the coronavirus vaccine on their sites.

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What he says : “If we had had the hindsight of vaccines as we see on some media, I don’t think it would have been possible not only to eradicate smallpox, we would probably still have smallpox,” Fauci told CNN’s Jim . Acosta.

The other side: Guy Rosen, vice president of Facebook integrity, said in a blog post on Saturday that “the data shows that 85% of Facebook users in the United States have been or want to be vaccinated against COVID-19” and that Facebook was not the reason Biden’s goal of vaccinating 70% of Americans “was missed.”

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