Solar storm coming THIS WEEK after huge hole opens on sun 'it's a big one' | Science | News


The hole, known as a coronal hole, has emerged on the upper atmosphere on the sun, unleashing a barrier of cosmic particles towards Earth. Experts say this type of hole is common during a minimum solar – a period of time when the sun releases less cosmic rays, which is happening now – but this time is a big one. The researchers predict that a solar storm could hit Earth by February 27.

Space Weather forecasting said: "During solar minimum, long-lasting holes open in the sun's atmosphere, releasing streams of solar wind into space.

"One of those holes is facing Earth now, and it's a big one.

"We've seen this hole before. It opened in the summer of 2018 and has been spinning around the sun rotates, lashing Earth with solar wind.

"The last time in our planet felt its gaseous emissions, in late Jan 2019, bright auroras surged around the Arctic Circle and some of the lights even spilled into the USA."

While this storm is not dangerous, the consequences could be far greater than the appearance of the Northern or Southern Lights.

For the most part, the earth's magnetic field protects humans from the dam of radiation, but solar storms can affect satellite-based technology.

Solar winds can heat the Earth 's outer atmosphere, causing it to expand.

This may affect satellites in orbit, potentially leading to a lack of GPS navigation, mobile phone signal and satellite TV such as Sky.

Additionally, a surge of particles can lead to high currents in the magnetosphere, which can lead to higher than normal electricity in power lines, resulting in electrical transformers and power stations.

The higher amounts of radiation also leave people vulnerable to cancer.


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