Spaceline: scientists suggest space cable connecting Moon and Earth



  • Scientists from Columbia University suggest building a space cable to get to the moon, reducing the cost of traveling in space
  • They suggest that one end is anchored in the moon and the other in the depths of Earth's gravity.
  • The study states that this will allow free movement of a body from the vicinity of the Earth to the surface of the Moon.

As India's Chandrayaan-2 approaches the moon, researchers have suggested a more economical way to travel on the moon. According to international reports, researchers at Columbia University suggest building a space cable to get to the moon. They say that it will significantly reduce the expense of traveling in space. Although space elevators are currently not feasible, these Columbia researchers have theorized a space cable with the materials currently available.

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These Columbia researchers published their findings in a study titled "The Spaceline: A Practical Alternative for Space-efficient Elevators with Current" in ArXiV – a repository of electronic publications attached to the Cornell University Library. The study suggests that a line or cable could be extended from Earth to the Moon. They suggest that one end of the cable can be anchored to the moon and that the other end be attached to the deepest earth's gravity. The study says that this will allow a body to move freely from the vicinity of the Earth to the surface of the Moon.

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How are they going to do that?

The researchers say that with the help of available materials, the cable can be built at a height near the Earth's geostationary orbit. This will facilitate movement and construction between the Earth and the Moon, according to the researchers. The study says that once the cable is built, no advanced and complex rocket will be needed to explore the space. All they will have to do is reach the end of the "Spaceline". The researchers suggested that transport through Spaceline could be powered by solar energy, thus reducing the cost of extraterrestrial distances.

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What are the disadvantages?

Although profitability is one of the main benefits, the researchers say that Spaceline has its own drawbacks. Micrometeorides can accumulate around Spaceline, which can weaken or break the cable in case of major shock. In addition, if the voltage in the cable is spread over different strands, the researchers claim that this can lead to the breakage of one or more strands. But they claim that these strands can be easily repaired. The Spaceline project is currently in the development phase, but scientists are optimistic about its future applications in space transportation.

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