SpaceX satellites pose new challenges for astronomers


(MENAFN – AFP) It looked like a scene from a sci-fi blockbuster: a Dutch astronomer captured the sequence of a train of highly-lit SpaceX satellites climbing into the night sky this weekend, amazing space enthusiasts around the world.

But this vision has also provoked an uproar among astronomers who claim that the constellation, which now has 60 broadband satellites but could eventually reach 12,000, could threaten our vision of the cosmos and strike a blow. to scientific discovery.

The launch was followed around the world and it quickly became clear that satellites were visible to the naked eye: a new puzzle for researchers who already have to find workarounds to handle the cumbersome objects. distant space images.

"People were extrapolating that if many satellites in these new mega-constellations had this kind of constant brightness, then, in 20 years or less, for much of the night, anywhere in the world, 'human eye would see more star satellites,' said Bill Keel, astronomer of the University of Alabama.

The luminosity of the satellites has since decreased with the stabilization of their orientation and their ascent to final orbit at 550 km altitude.

But this has not completely appeased the concerns of scientists, who are worried about the aftermath of the events.

SpaceX's Elon Musk is only one of many companies looking for a new Internet sector in the space.

To put that in context, there are currently 2 100 active satellites orbiting our planet, according to the Satellite Industry Association.

According to Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysics Center, if we add 12,000 more players, nothing to SpaceX, "it will be hundreds above the horizon at all. moment, "told AFP, adding that the problem would be exacerbated at certain times of the year. points in the night.

"So it will certainly be dramatic in the night sky if you are away from the city and you have a nice dark area, this will certainly cause problems for some types of professional astronomical observations."

– The confusing answer of Musk –

Mercurial Musk responded to the debate on Twitter with conflicting messages, pledging to look for ways to reduce the reflectivity of the satellites, but also stating that they would "have a zero impact on the progress of the satellites." astronomy "and that telescopes should nevertheless be moved in space.

He also said that the work of giving "billions of economically disadvantaged people" high-speed Internet access via its network "is the greatest benefit".

Keel said he was pleased that Musk had proposed to examine ways to reduce the reflectivity of future satellites, but asked why the issue had not yet been addressed.

If optical astronomers are concerned, their radio astronomy colleagues, who rely on the electromagnetic waves emitted by celestial objects to examine phenomena such as the first image of the black hole discovered last month, are "almost desperate", he added.

Satellite operators are notorious for not sufficiently protecting their "side broadcasts", which can interfere with the bands of observation sought by radio astronomers.

"There is every reason to join our radio astronomy colleagues in demanding a" before "response," Keel said.

"It is not only about protecting our professional interests, but also, as far as possible, protecting the night sky of humanity."



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