SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket survives a "spicy" landing at sea after the launch of the first ever private mission on the moon


falcon9 spacexFalcon9 seconds after landing on the droneship.SpaceX / YouTube

  • The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket suffered a "rather spicy landing" on Thursday night after a successful mission.
  • Jessie Anderson, a SpaceX engineer, said during a live live landing that the rocket had survived despite the "harsh conditions" that prevailed on the drone – a robotic landing platform at sea.
  • The SpaceX control room burst with cheers and screams as the 23-story rocket went out on the landing ship in the Atlantic.
  • Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, tweeted: "The highest warming to date.Sparkling metal sparks from the base's heat shield are visible in the landing video."
  • The rocket was returning from a mission to launch a trio of lunar vessels in space, including a $ 100 million Israeli lunar lander from SpaceIL – the first private mission on the Moon.

Elon Musk's Falcon 9 rocket made "a rather spicy landing" on Thursday night in a Space X spacecraft after successfully launching a trio of lunar vessels in space.

The Falcon 9 has regained its triple payload: SpaceIL's $ 100 million lunar lender, the Indonesian satellite Nusantara Satu and a US Air Force search satellite.

A live stream of the mission captured the moment when the Falcon 9 landed safely on a SpaceX drone, a robotic landing platform deployed to view. The drone calls "Of course, I still love you".

The Falcon 9 landed eight minutes and 48 seconds after taking off from Space Launch Complex 40 in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

spacex falcom9Falcon9 emerges from smoke and fog Thursday night.SpaceX / YouTube

Jessie Anderson, Manufacturing Engineer at SpaceX, said, "Our landing for the first leg is successful despite the tough conditions here."

In the live video, we see Falcon 9 emerge from the fog and smoke in one piece.

Read more: NASA's first lunar landings for nearly 50 years could take place in 2019. The agency believes that these 9 companies can reach the lunar surface.

Kate Tice, Program Reliability Engineer, explained that the Falcon 9 had "successfully landed – a rather spicy landing attempt – with our drone ship, of course, I still love you".

spacex drone shipElon Musk

The US Air Force had stated that there was a 20% chance that the Falcon 9 would be delayed due to bad weather.

The 23-story Falcon 9 rocket took off at 20:45. AND, despite the warnings.

After the Elon Musk landing tweeted"The strongest re-entry heat to date, hot metal sparks from the base heat shield are visible in the landing video."

Watch the landing and the full mission here, commented by SpaceX staff:

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SpaceIL's "Beresheet" mission is the first-ever private landing on a moon launched by a Google Lunar XPrize team backed by South African billionaire Morris Kahn. He plans to reach the moon on April 4th and land on April 11th.

If the nonprofit mission survives after several weeks on the lunar surface, it will make Israel the fourth country to ever have made a moon landing.


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