Spatial Forecasts: Solar Storm on Earth TOMORROW | Science | New


Scientists are preparing for a solar storm on June 12 as a result of a massive coronal ejection from our host star on June 7th. The particles of the Sun are just beginning to reach the Earth after a 150 million kilometer journey in space. he. The Space Weather cosmic forecast site thinks we will have aurora borealis near the Arctic Circle.

The aurora borealis – aurora borealis – and aurora borealis – aurora australis – are caused when solar particles strike the atmosphere.

When the magnetosphere is bombarded by solar winds, beautiful blue lights can appear when this layer of the atmosphere deflects the particles.

Space Weather said: "A stealthy CME could reach Earth's magnetic field on June 12th. Four days ago, a magnetic filament on the sun exploded.

"No CMEs were observed at the exit of the blast site, but NOAA forecasters believe that it could exist anyway – a slight cloud of storm moving around. slowly through the Sun-Earth division.

"If the CME exists, its impact could cause minor geomagnetic storms and aurora borealis at high latitudes on Wednesday."

However, researchers have also not noticed that the consequences of a solar storm can be much more serious than those of the north or the south.

Most of the time, the Earth's magnetic field protects humans from damming radiation from sunspots, but solar storms can affect satellite technology.

Solar winds can heat the Earth's outer atmosphere, extend it.

This can affect satellites in orbit, potentially resulting in a lack of GPS navigation, mobile phone signal and satellite TV such as Sky.

In addition, an influx of particles can cause high currents in the magnetosphere, which can result in higher than normal electrical voltage, resulting in transformer blowouts and power plants as well as a loss of power.

Higher radiation levels also make people vulnerable to cancer.


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