Special Olympics Kentucky hosts Softball State Tournament E! News 40


Special Olympics Meghann 9102100 01 23 06still001

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. – On Friday night in Bowling Green, Special Olympics Kentucky hosted its big state softball tournament.

Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Special Pops teamed up with Special Olympics Kentucky to play their big game at Michael O. Buchanon Park.

Special athletes have been training hard since the start of their softball season in June. In August, the teams qualified in their Regional Tournaments for this State Tournament.

Athletes now compete in the State softball tournament and team skills competition, heading to Diamond on Friday and continuing play on Saturday.

Gabriel Rogers, 15, plays for River City Rumble.

“I’m pretty athletic, so I play a lot of sports,” said Rogers.

He started playing ball when he was a kid, and now he’s been on the team with two of his best friends since he was a kid.

Rogers’ friend Macregor Hansgen said, “Me, Robbie and Gabe, we went to elementary together. We are all happy to be here.

A few mounds down, Judy Fields is playing for the McCracken County Tigers. She has had a bat in her hand since she was 18. Now she still plays at 40 and loves every minute of it.

“The fun part is getting out of my house and going to work out and having fun,” Fields said.

She said she loved playing Special Olympics softball and wanted others to join in on the same feeling she got out of the game.

“It makes me happy. It makes me feel joy,” Fields said.


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