Speech by JFK Moon: read President Kennedy's historic speech on the anniversary of Apollo 11 | Science | New


NASA's Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 20, when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin laid the Eagle lunar module safely. Just six hours later, on July 21, Commander Armstrong became the first man to walk on the surface of the moon, thus defeating the Soviet Union. It was 50 years ago this week that US President John F. Kennedy urged NASA to target Earth's moonmate. In a landmark speech to the US Congress on May 25, 1961, President Kennedy asked the US Space Agency to land on the moon before the end of the decade.

The US president, urged by the Soviets to send cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin into orbit, fears that the Russians will not win the race in space.

President Kennedy said, "I think our country should commit to reaching the goal, before the end of this decade, of landing a man on the moon and sending him safely back to Earth.

"No single space project during this period will be more impressive for humanity, nor more important for the long-term exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.

President Kennedy would die before this goal was achieved, but his passionate speech prompted a nation to act.

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Speech by JFK Moon: President Kennedy and Apollo 11

JFK Speech: President Kennedy stressed his desire to land on the Moon on April 25, 1961. (Image: NASA)

On November 22, 1963, the President of the United States was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, by shooter Lee Harvey Oswald.

No single space project in this period will be more impressive for mankind

President John F. Kennedy

Six years later, NASA was fulfilling its dream of sending astronauts to the moon, while Richard Nixon was holding a position at the White House.

The US space agency is now preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of this monumental feat by recalling the legacy of the Gemini and Apollo space programs, as well as those whose work led directly to the landing of Apollo 11 Moon.

Below is a transcript of President Kennedy's speech to Congress regarding the space race.

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Speech by John F. Kennedy to the Congress, May 25, 1961, by the Presidential Library and Museum JFK:

"Finally, if we want to win the battle that is currently opposing freedom and tyranny around the world, the spectacular achievements in space in recent weeks should have enlightened us, like the Sputnik in 1957, the the impact of this adventure on the minds of men around the world who are trying to figure out which route they should take.

"Since the beginning of my mandate, our efforts in space are being studied. On the advice of the Vice President, who is President of the National Council of Space, we have examined where we are strong and where we are not, where we can succeed and where we can not. Now is the time to make greater progress – the time of a great new American company – the time for our country to clearly play a leading role in the realization of space, which could, in many ways, be the key to our future on Earth.

"I believe we have all the necessary resources and talents. But the facts are that we have never made national decisions or mobilized the national resources necessary for such leadership. We have never specified long-term goals in urgent timeframes, nor managed our resources and time to ensure their accomplishment.

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"Therefore, I ask Congress, beyond the increases previously requested for space activities, to provide the necessary funds to achieve the following national objectives:

"First of all, I think that our country should commit to reaching the goal, before the end of the present decade, of landing a man on the moon and bringing him back into the safely on the Earth. No space project during this period will be more impressive for humanity, nor more important for the long-term exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish. We propose to accelerate the development of the appropriate lunar spacecraft. We propose to develop alternative boosters for liquid and solid fuels, much larger than those currently developed, until some are higher. We are providing additional funds for the development of other engines and for unmanned explorations – explorations that are particularly important for one goal that this country will never neglect: the survival of the man who made this bold flight first. But in a very real sense, it will not be a man who will go to the moon – if we formulate this judgment with affirmation, it will be an entire nation. For all of us must work to put it there.

"Secondly, an additional $ 23 million, as well as $ 7 million already available, will accelerate the development of the Rover nuclear rocket. This suggests one day a way to explore the space even more exciting and ambitious, perhaps beyond the Moon, even up to the end of the solar system itself.

"Thirdly, an additional $ 50 million will make the most of our current leadership by accelerating the use of space satellites for communications around the world.

"Fourth, an additional $ 75 million, including $ 53 million for the Bureau of Meteorology, will help provide us as quickly as possible with a satellite system for global weather observation.

Landing on NASA: Apollo 11 mission astronauts

NASA Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 20, 1969 (Image: NASA)

NASA Moon landing: Apollo 11 spreads in space

NASA Moon landing: President Kennedy killed even before seeing Apollo 11 land (Image: NASA)

"Let us be clear – and this is a judgment that Congress members must finally take – make it clear that I am asking Congress and the country to accept a strong commitment to a new course of action, a path that will last for many years. years and incurring very heavy costs: $ 531 million for fiscal year 62, or about $ 7 billion to $ 9 billion over the next five years, if we are to go only halfway, or reduce our vision for the difficulty, in my opinion it would be better not to go at all.

"It is now a choice that this country must make and I am convinced that under the direction of the congressional space commissions and the approval commissions, you will look into the matter carefully.

"It's a very important decision we make as a nation. But you have all lived the last four years and seen the meaning of space and its adventures, and no one can predict with certainty what will be the ultimate significance of space mastery.

"I think we should go to the moon. But I think that all citizens of this country, as well as members of Congress, should think carefully about the issue, making their judgment, on which we have been paying attention for weeks and months, because is a heavy burden, and it makes no sense. accepting or wishing the United States to take an affirmative position in outer space, unless we are willing to do the work and bear the burden of success. If we are not, we should decide today and this year.

"This decision requires a major national commitment to scientific and technical personnel, equipment and facilities, as well as the possibility of diverting them from other important activities where they are already widely dispersed. It means a degree of dedication, organization and discipline that has not always characterized our research and development efforts. This means that we can not afford unjustified work stoppages, excessive equipment or talent costs, unnecessary agency rivalries, or high turnover of key personnel.

"New goals and new funds can not solve these problems. In fact, they could worsen them further – unless every scientist, every engineer, every soldier, every technician, contractor and public servant gives his personal commitment that this country go ahead, at full speed, into the future. 39, exciting adventure of space. "


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