Square Kilometer Array supercomputer design completed



Artist's view of the future Kilometer Array Square in Australia

Image: SKA Organization

The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) Scientific Data Processing Consortium (SKA) has announced the completion of its technical design work – a five-year process to design one of two supercomputers to be used for the internal project .

The international consortium, led by the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, brought together nearly 40 institutions from 11 countries, including CSIRO, the Pawsey Supercomputing Center and the International Radioastronomy Research Center in Australia.

The consortium's role was to design the computing platforms, software and algorithms needed to process scientific data from the Central Signal Processor (CSP) into "scientific data products".

SDP is the second step in processing the masses of digitized astronomical signals collected by the telescope receivers. SDP will consist of two supercomputers, one located in Cape Town, South Africa, to process SKA-mid data and the other in Perth, Western Australia, to process SKA data. low.

The consortium estimates that the total computing power of the SDP will be about 250 PFlops. Its computing power is estimated to be 25% faster than IBM's, the fastest supercomputer in the world.

According to Maurizio Miccolis, SDP project manager for SKA Organization, up to 600 Po of data will be distributed worldwide each year from SDP, a sufficient amount to fill up more than one million people. average laptops.

The organization said the design included the ability to determine in real time what data was worth keeping; the ability to detect and eliminate human-caused radio frequency interference, for example from satellites or other sources; and leave it open for use in other areas.

The SKA is supposed to be the largest and most powerful radio telescope ever built, covering more than one million square meters of catchment area. The SKA is an international project that will include thousands of antennas spread around the world, with central operations centers in South Africa and Western Australia.

The local infrastructure design was finalized in February and the construction of the SKA is expected to begin in 2020,

The team, made up of Australian engineers and scientists, has designed everything from supercomputing facilities to buildings, including site and road monitoring, to the distribution of the entire site. energy and data fiber, which will be required to host the instrument in the radio astronomy observatory Murchison of CSIRO, Western Australia.


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