Squirrel and Roe v. Wade | News, Sports, Jobs


For the publisher:

Greetings. Yesterday I saw a squirrel get run over by a car. This raises the question of when life begins and when life ends.

According to Pro-Life, life begins at conception and a heart murmur occurs at six weeks as God begins his wonderful and comfortable 9-month assembly line of “knitting together in our mother’s womb.” (Psalm 119: 13)

Since everyone agrees that death is the end of life because we stop breathing, does it not follow that life begins when the breath begins?

If life begins at conception and is independent of breath, then how do you define the death of the squirrel, or mine?

I totally agree that God is at work to train me and weave me in the womb. The womb is a warm assembly line where God forms us intimately. And at about six weeks pregnant, the egg implants itself in the uterus, and the female’s blood and amniotic fluid can circulate around the egg providing it with oxygen.

But oxygen is not the breath. Breath, according to the National Library of Medicine, “is made up of up to nine different compounds, not just oxygen.”

Additionally, the Bible specifically states that life does not begin until God provides “breath” in my nostrils. “God formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.(Genesis 2: 7) Further, Job 33: 4 repeats the same content, namely, “The Spirit of God made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. “

In both verses of the Bible, life does not begin at conception but when God blows into the nostrils of the squirrel and into my nostrils the breath of God.

This is the biblical foundation on which I am pro-choice. It certainly elucidates when life begins and when life ends. It’s my religion.

I am Pro-Breath, Pro-Choice and Pro-Democracy! Like me, 63% of American citizens are pro-choice. The Constitution of the United States permits diversity of religious beliefs, not unanimity.

Roe v. Wade must be remembered!

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