St. Charles County Offers Residents Advice on Mosquito Control | News


ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MB ( – If residents become trapped by mosquitoes in their backyard, the St. Charles County Mosquito Control Program offers some tips for getting rid of insects.

First, the program suggests getting rid of stagnant water around the house, such as water from bird baths, gutters and dog bowls.

Even water in small objects such as a bottle cap can be fertile ground for mosquitoes.

Fortunately, the types of mosquitoes that pose a danger have not yet emerged.

"At the moment we are only meeting harmful mosquitoes," said Caroline McEwen of St. Charles County. "Mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus do not appear until July or August, so you do not have to worry at the moment."

They also advise to wear an insect repellent containing ingredients such as deet or picaridin and to wear light colored clothing as well as long sleeves and pants where possible.

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