Stanford Doctors Protest University’s Vaccine Deployment Plan


On Friday, a group of doctors and staff at Stanford University hospital staged a protest to show frustration with school officials over the university’s plan to distribute COVID-vaccines. 19.

Doctors and staff who protested claimed that the school did not prioritize residents and fellows working directly with COVID-19 patients in their vaccine distribution plan.

According to Chronicle of San Francisco, healthcare workers gathered inside Stanford Medical Center in Palo Alto before going to the square in front of the hospital.

Some carried signs saying “Health heroes support each other” and “Frontline workers need protection.”

In a video shared on Twitter by Nanette Asimov, reporter for Chronicle, a medical professional addressed the crowd saying, “Thousands of Americans have died from this disease.”

“These numbers are not decreasing, they are increasing. So any excuse you make as to why we, whose purpose being here at Stanford is to treat these patients, any excuse you have as to why we weren’t prioritized, it’s over, ”added the protester. “I don’t care if you found out yesterday, I don’t care if you found out Tuesday.” As soon as you find out, you’re doing it right. ”

Daniel Hernandez, an emergency room resident who demonstrated at the protest, told The Chronicle: “I am here because we were promised, on several occasions, that we would be vaccinated in the first wave.

In a letter sent to senior Stanford officials, health workers say only seven residents and fellows were included in the university’s first round of vaccinations, of which 5,000 are expected to start on Friday, according to the Chronicle.

Protesters told The Chronicle on Friday that those vaccinated before the hospital’s frontline workers include orthopedic surgeons, outpatient nurses and a dermatologist.

“There is still no articulated plan to vaccinate the remaining 1,300+ residents and fellows, including those on the front lines directly treating COVID-19 patients,” said the letter obtained by The Chronicle. “It is important for us to explain to you that at this time the residents are hurt, disappointed, frustrated, angry and feel a deep sense of mistrust of the administration of the hospital given the sacrifices we have made and the promises that were made. we.”

Protesters told The Chronicle that Stanford officials cited an algorithm error in a process to distribute the vaccine to older healthcare workers and employees.

However, protesters added that this issue has not been resolved since officials learned of the error on Tuesday.

According to Politico reporter Dan DiamondStanford Chief Medical Officer Niraj Sehgal this week issued an email apology for “several unintentional missteps.”

“Be aware that the perceived lack of priority for residents and fellows was not the intention at all,” the email said.

Officials also emailed hospital officials on Friday morning, explaining that their algorithm for administering the vaccine “failed to include trainees despite the best efforts of many leaders to defend trainees as the our very large frontline workforce, ”adding that“ there are active meetings to correct this. ”

Stanford Health President and CEO David Entwhistle appeared at Friday’s protest, The Chronicle reported, and told the crowd, “We’re going to fix this. We know this is wrong.


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