Starcraft FPS would have been canceled to expand its teams of Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2


Starcraft FPS would have been canceled to expand its teams of Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2

This morning, we discussed the case of a developer of Blizzard, now a former member of the team, who had stated that the game he had been working on for two years had been abruptly canceled. This afternoon, Kotaku got information from anonymous internal sources that the game was a first-person shooter from Starcraft. The cancellation was a shock for the developers who work there and has occurred over the past two weeks. Those who worked on the Starcraft FPS are transferred to the teams Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2.

The project, which was codenamed Ares, was described to me as "like Battlefield in the StarCraft "Universe" by one of these people, all of whom spoke anonymously because they were not allowed to talk about the project. The team had built prototypes in which the player, as a Terran Navy, could shoot Zerg extraterrestrials. It was also planned to experiment with playable Zerg. Although one person who attended versions of the game last year said that it appeared that development progress was slow, one second said that it was "It was a" huge shock "when Blizzard canceled it a few weeks ago. A third person said that he "looked very good".

It is likely that this year's Blizzcon will focus on larger ads for D4 and OW2, the latter being only whispered in recent months.

We will keep you posted. In the meantime, read more about the link above.


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