State to reimburse schools for immunization incentives of $ 100


FRANKFORT, Ky. (WTVQ) – The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) will use up to $ 8.8 million in elementary and secondary school emergency relief funds to reimburse districts that have awarded and recognized the time, energy and effort that staff members put into getting immunized.

All full-time and part-time employees in public school districts are eligible for a one-time vaccination incentive payment of $ 100 after being fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

This reimbursement is for employees who have already been vaccinated, as well as those who have received their full vaccines by December 1, 2021. There will be sufficient funds to reimburse districts for approximately 88,000 local school district staff.

“Getting people vaccinated is one of the main ways out of this pandemic and back to our classrooms as usual,” said Education Commissioner Jason E. Glass. “We hope this will encourage people to get vaccinated in order to protect their students, their colleagues and themselves. “

Districts must first pay employees in order to receive reimbursement from KDE. Districts are strongly encouraged to consider providing additional funds corresponding to the amount provided as reimbursement by KDE, but financial matching is not required for participation.

Currently, vaccine appointments are generally available statewide. To find a vaccination site near you, visit You can also text your postal code to 438829 to receive three vaccine locations near you.


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