Stephanie Grisham Irritated By Hope Hicks, Blows Her Up For Fox Gig: Book


  • Stephanie Grisham didn’t like Hope Hicks, a close associate of former President Donald Trump.
  • In her memoir, the former White House press secretary said Hicks “took the easy way out” by getting “a comfortable job” at Fox.
  • Hicks left the White House in March 2018, but joined the administration in March 2020.

While working in the White House, former communications director Hope Hicks was a longtime favorite of former President Donald Trump, serving from the start of his presidency until he left for a position at Fox, then his return to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

However, former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham was not too fond of Hicks, as she details in her upcoming memoir, “I’ll answer your questions now.”

In a section of the book that was adapted and published by Politico, Grisham describes how Hicks, who initially served in administration from January 2017 to March 2018, was likely “stressed” to explain the assistant’s departure.

“I think she was understandably stressed by the job of director of communications and didn’t like the fact that she was subpoenaed and had to testify as part of the Robert Mueller investigation ( during which she admitted to congressional investigators that she had, in her words, said tiny “white lies” on behalf of the president.) She was also harassed by the paparazzi about her personal life, “he said. writes Grisham.

However, Grisham went on to explain the distaste she had for Hicks, particularly after the advisor returned to the White House in March 2020 after serving as director of communications at Fox. While working at Fox, Hicks allegedly maintained ties with White House officials, according to CNN.

“She was on sabbatical at Fox, where she had a big title and would have earned almost $ 2 million. I can’t say her presence didn’t irritate me. In my eyes and in the eyes of others who had stayed to face all the madness, Hope had taken the easy way out. We all wished we had taken a cushy job elsewhere for two years to be begged to come back to the White House to “save” the administration, ” she wrote.

During her second stint in the White House, Hicks served as Trump’s advisor until his final departure in January, during the final days of administration.

In the memoir, Grisham further described the atmosphere in the White House under Trump in unflattering terms, calling it a “burning mess.”

“I can give you countless metaphors to describe the Trump White House from a journalist’s perspective – living in a house that was always on fire or in a lunatic asylum where you couldn’t tell the difference between the people. patients and attendants or on a roller coaster that never stopped – but trust me, it was a real mess 24/7, ”she wrote. “How people did the job without going crazy was a question in itself.”

During her tenure as White House press secretary, Grisham never held regular briefings, but instead opted to conduct television interviews with preferred media.

She resigned as chief of staff and press secretary to First Lady Melania Trump following the Jan.6 uprising on the United States Capitol.


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