Stimulus: AOC says GOP doesn’t care about US struggles with COVID-19


  • Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused the GOP of “fighting” efforts to seal the deal on a $ 900 billion coronavirus relief package.
  • “We just have an insane amount of food instability in our community, and it just feels like the Republican Party in the Senate doesn’t care,” she said in a meeting with her constituents in New York. York Thursday.
  • His comments came a day before Congress approved a two-day funding extension to gain more time for stimulus negotiations as the two sides failed to come to an agreement.
  • Visit the Business Insider homepage for more stories.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday criticized the GOP’s handling of the coronavirus stimulus talks, saying the Senate Republican majority “just doesn’t care” about the impact it might have on ordinary Americans.

Speaking at the last public meeting of the year with his New York City voters, Ocasio-Cortez accused Republicans of “fighting” efforts to seal the deal on a $ 900 billion relief deal. dollars, according to Yahoo News.

“The federal government in all of these negotiations has balanced itself on the backs of our families here, and that is truly unacceptable,” Ocasio-Cortez said, Yahoo News reported.

“What is happening is people in our community are on the verge of eviction. We just have an insane amount of food instability in our community, and it just feels like the Republican Party in the Senate doesn’t care, ”she added.

Ocasio-Cortez, whose New York neighborhood has been hit particularly hard by the virus, also claimed Republicans are “more passionate about corporate liability protections and essentially corporate immunity … and they don’t want to authorize unemployment or stimulus checks ”.

“What surprises me rather is that we know that there are also people who are hungry in their states.… There are people who are on the verge of deportation in their states too”, she added, according to Yahoo News.

His comments came a day before Congress approved a two-day funding extension to gain more time for stimulus negotiations.

The stimulus bill currently proposed to Congress includes direct payments of $ 600 to $ 700 per person, which Ocasio-Cortez called an “insulting amount” at the meeting, according to AM New York Metro.

Joseph Zeballos-Roig, of Business Insider, reported that the bill “will likely contain $ 300 in weekly federal unemployment benefits.”

The New York MP has been very vocal about the ongoing stimulus talks, saying earlier this week there is a sense of “urgency” because she believes Republicans could block Democratic efforts for a plan wider stimulus if Democrats don’t control the Senate.

“I believe once Biden is inaugurated, I think we’ll start to hear from Republicans, ‘Oh, this is all over. People are reopening their businesses, “” Ocasio-Cortez told CNN’s David Axelrod in his podcast “The Ax Files.”

The run-off election in Georgia on January 5 is crucial in determining whether Republicans will continue to cling to the Senate or not.

Ocasio-Cortez told Axelrod in the podcast: “If there isn’t a real stimulus payment and an extension of unemployment benefits,” she would not be supporting the bill.

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