Stop brushing your teeth with charcoal toothpaste


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According to some British dentists, trendy charcoal toothpastes are probably a worse option for your teeth than traditional toothpaste. In a new paper, they claim that the claims underlying these products, such as better whitening, are absolutely unproven and that they could even speed up the treatment of dental caries and tooth decay. other dental problems.

Charcoal has become a major ingredient of novelty to add to any consumer product that you can think of, whether it's hamburger buns or make-up. But it's not just the glare that some companies are marketing; they also often claim that charcoal removes toxins, removes infections or simply makes you healthier. In the case of toothpastes, they are supposed to be more effective than conventional toothpastes for whitening teeth, cleaning stains and preventing bad breath.

There is a grain of truth about the benefits of charcoal. Historically, the ingestion of charcoal has been used to help relieve gas and other digestive problems. Nowadays, activated charcoal – a form of finely powdered charcoal – is used to save people who have ingested certain deadly poisons or drugs, because charcoal prevents the poison from reaching the blood in the gut. And it has been used (and still is in some rural communities of the world) as a rudimentary toothpaste.

But the authors of this article, published in the British Dental Journal, claim that the new fashion of toothpastes is essentially superimposed coal. They point out the lack of evidence to support showing that these products are generally more effective at cleaning and whitening teeth than other modern toothpastes. And there are many reasons to think that they would be worse.

On the one hand, the activated carbon itself can be too abrasive for our teeth, using their protective enamel layer. In addition, dark charcoal paste can leave dirty teeth if not completely brushed. Additional scrubbing required to remove any trace could cause further wear of the enamel.

There is also the fact that ingredients known to help prevent tooth decay, such as fluoride, are often extracted from toothpastes with charcoal because the charcoal can absorb them. And while other ingredients can replace fluoride, these products can still have adverse effects on the health of your teeth. Finally, it is feared that small pieces of charcoal get stuck in the fillings, veneers or other dental restorations. Over time, this buildup could ironically make the appearance of your teeth even more permanent by coloring these dental restorations.

And these dentists are not the only ones to sound the alarm bell. A 2017 review published in the Journal of the American Dental Association also concluded that there was not enough clinical and laboratory data to substantiate claims of safety and effectiveness toothpastes with charcoal and charcoal.

In other words, it is not necessary to stick charcoal in the mouth when ordinary toothpastes do their job. And as we have already pointed out, even the sweetest toothbrushes can wear enamel. Be sure to use gentle pressure when cleaning your teeth.


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